What's on her eye?! It's getting worse! Help!

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I am trying to find some advice on my rats eye. This started as a small spot that we thought was a piece of fluff, bedding, eye gunk ?? That would come off with her blinking/cleaning. It seems to have grown and there is now porphyrin.
It maybe be a bit swollen, but she can still close her eye. The closest vet that will see a rat is an hour away and I cannot get there until Thursday. Is there anything I can be doing in the meantime to keep things from getting worse?
I have searched all over the internet I feel like and haven't seen anything like this!!


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I'm sorry I can't be much help, but did she possibly scratch it? It could also be a cataract. How old is she? Cage mates? Cage setup. That stuff may help others in determining what could be wrong. Did you see a vet today? How is she eating and drinking?
She most likely scratched it playing (does she have cage mates?). In which case the damage could be permanent. Vets will sometimes give eye drops to help, but it looks very bad. There is a chance she may become blinded in that eye or have limited vision