What kind of detergent does everyone use for rat beds etc?

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teehee, welll...I guess I can handle my own laundry, since I don't have steps and all....if they only do 25% of the job...not sure it's worth searching :cheeky:

I will definately try the vinegar in whatever detergent I get. So far the eye seems better since I pulled the bedding out. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks again for all the good tips.

I think that the reason vinegar works so well is that it is acidic, which makes it able to neutralize the ammonia from the rat pee. But that doesn't explain why the baking soda works well... ideas, anyone? We need a chemistry major on the forum!
Baking soda adds salt to the water basically making it softer (grabs onto hardness in water) and allows for a better clean. That's from 2 years working at a water store LOL.
Vixxie said:
I just use baking soda in the wash. about 1/4 cup baking soda and warm water gets my hammys clean with no soap smells. My poor Misty has had soooo many bad reactions with any soap I use.
And those blue spiked dryer balls are awsome!!!! We grabbed ours at no frills as well but found shortly after that dollarama has them now 2.

what signs does misty show when she has a reaction? im wondering if my laundry powder has been the culprit in an almost year long scabby rattie drama...

everyone!....what signs do your rats show if they are alergic to these products?

-thank you

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