For about a month and a half I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with my little girl's wrist. At first I thought there was a weird swollen lump, but it looks to be just part of her arm. :wallbang: (Though maybe a tad bigger on her left wrist (afflicted wrist) than the right) Some of the main symptoms of this thing though is redness, dry scaly skin (not flaking), and hair loss. When I took her to the vet his initial thought was mites, so he did a skin scraping. That turned up negative for mites so he thought perhaps that maybe it was a infection in her wrist. So for three weeks I gave her baytril at .20ml twice a day and there was no improvement although it did upset her stomach. It's been a week and a half since I stopped the medication and nothing has changed with her wrist.
Here is a picture of her wrist. Hopefully someone has encountered something like this before and can tell me what to do. :nod: Thanks in advance!