My boy Jet passed away in my arms on Aug 18th. I am pretty certain it was PT but I just wanted to check here so I know for next time.
Symptoms started probably two weeks ago, we found him outside his cage a couple times. We tend to leave the CN door open because the younger guys like to climb to the top. Once we found him across the room under the couch and twice underneath the cage which seemed unusual. Looking back he was probably falling out.
After the third time we started making sure the CN was closed in case he was falling. After that he just seemed "off". He started to get squinty and lost a little weight. Younger rats pinned him a few times which was strange.
Sunday is when I finally clued in. We gave each rat a treat, and instead of running away with it Jet just started nibbling right there. Then he set it down, and did a couple slow circles around the food bowl. He seemed confused and didn't pick up his treat again, and just dropped it when I handed it back to him.
Other symptoms included confusion, slow moving, and slight wobbling.
On Thursday morning I found him on the bottom of the CN, leaning against the door. He was unresponsive, it seemed like he couldn't even blink. I cuddled him, syringed him water and Ensure which he swallowed very little of. I held him for a few hours before he gave a little squeak and stopped breathing. I was happy I got those last few hours with him, but it was the hardest thing I have ever witnessed in my life.
Symptoms started probably two weeks ago, we found him outside his cage a couple times. We tend to leave the CN door open because the younger guys like to climb to the top. Once we found him across the room under the couch and twice underneath the cage which seemed unusual. Looking back he was probably falling out.
Sunday is when I finally clued in. We gave each rat a treat, and instead of running away with it Jet just started nibbling right there. Then he set it down, and did a couple slow circles around the food bowl. He seemed confused and didn't pick up his treat again, and just dropped it when I handed it back to him.
Other symptoms included confusion, slow moving, and slight wobbling.
On Thursday morning I found him on the bottom of the CN, leaning against the door. He was unresponsive, it seemed like he couldn't even blink. I cuddled him, syringed him water and Ensure which he swallowed very little of. I held him for a few hours before he gave a little squeak and stopped breathing. I was happy I got those last few hours with him, but it was the hardest thing I have ever witnessed in my life.