Vitamin K deficiency info

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Southern Ontario
I was recently told that rats fed strictly dog food diets, even kibble of very high quality, run the risk of developing Vitamin K deficiencies. How does a Vit K deficiency present itself?

How does one find a food designed strictly for rats, without the nasty additives and with the quality ingredients that some dog foods have, and without having to prepare it oneself?

It's a pipe dream right? ;)
Oxbow Regal Rat is a pretty good rat food, but not all that palatable. Harlan Teklad is another good food. I find the 2014 to be quite good.

Vitamin K deficiency will result in lack of clotting in the blood and blood thinning which can be dangerous when a rat gets a cut or a toe nail cut or even in surgery.

Dogs don't need added vitamin K, unlike our rats. If you want fresh foods, each rat would need to eat a whole brussel sprout each day. :?
So, do some of your rats just stop eating the OxBow? It is what I feed and my girls seem to love it, I give fresh daily and they all grab one and run off. But I wonder if I should keep a look out for non eaters?
I feed my rats unlimited Oxbow and they get two Harlan Teklad block a day. My rats do eat the Oxbow some more than others, but usually only when really hungry.
But this is not a bad thing. This means your rat eats enough to live and not live to eat like so many other rats.
When I used to give my rats a Suebee's mix... my rats would dive into the bowl and take mouth fulls at a time, they would gorge themselves. That is so unhealthy. My crew have been a lot healthier since switching over to the Oxbow and Harlan. But I've been reading lately that it looks like we will no longer have access to the harlan Teklad. Once that happens, my rats will be on Oxbow alone.
All of my boys have slimmed down since they've been on Oxbow. I know they don't like it as much as they did at first, but they are definitely eating it. They are all looking quite fit, my 15 month olds look younger and are full of energy. Their old food had twice as much fat, and twice as much protein. I must say, so far I'm very happy with the Oxbow! :D
Did I hear or read somewhere that you buy 50 lb boxes of the Oxbow Jo? Do they special order and ship that to you from Canadian Pet Connection? If so, do you mind me asking how much that is, before shipping charges?

I have tried to feed Oxbow a couple of times in the past/near present and as many other people have said, they like it to begin with and then stop eating it.

I've got two guys (Bert and Ernie) permanently in the rescue now with chronic respiratory illness, they're getting to be about 1.5-2ish now and I'm nervous to switch them to something they don't like when they've been doing well on meds for a year and maintaining their weights.

I know it's only a matter of time before they start to go downhill - they're at the point now where they're sneezing frequently while on higher doses of baytril and zithromax combo... not sure what to do? I'm currently feeding them Wellness Senior dog kibble and some kind of lab block, can't remember offhand what it is. Plus human food for treats and baby cereal to take their meds in.

I know it's not ideal, but I'm not sure if I want to risk switching at this point?

Johnny and Trixie on the other hand, they're young and healthy and I will switch them to Oxbow full time. Do you feed treats Jo, like fresh veggies and such? Thanks so much for all the info.
You are right not to want to switch them. If the rat is sick or getting old, it's best to keep them with what works for them. You definitely don't want any weight loss with Bert and Ernie. (love the names)
Okay thanks jo, glad you think so too. They came with those names actually, but they suit them perfectly. Ernie is outgoing and playful and Bert is a little more reserved. Also Ernie is rounder and Bert is pointier... ;)

Should I try and give them more of the Vit K rich veggies just in case? I feed dandelion leaves to the gps a lot of the time and the rats all love them.
Alicemcmallis said:
Actually that's Ernie in my avatar! I will post pics of them and the other guys at some point, when I have a spare moment.
He looks so squishy. I want to poke his belly.

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