-video- Possible back injury?

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Active Member
Jun 23, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
WOO. It just gets more and more exciting! He was normal yesterday.

And now, his back feet buckle in under him when he walks, and his tail drags! He also seems to have gone to the washroom on himself. :(

They're in a single level critter nation, and the ledge is only half way up. I don't think he hurt his back, and he can still use his back legs a bit and he's acting normal and eating.

He doesn't mind me touching him, or picking him up, and still goes up and down the ramp. [stubborn little brat]

I thought he was older- a year and a half at least. I looked at pictures I took of them when they were babies and it was dated last year. He and his brother only a little over a year old! I don't see how I could have messed that up! :emb:

It couldn't be early HED, could it? He seems too young!

Maybe a UTI? But again, he's so young, I don't think he'd have plugs or anything?

Will it help if I upload a video?

AH, I wasn't able to set up an appointment for Maddox because of some money issues but they all cleared up now, thank god. I thought "GREAT, I'll set up an appointment for the little guy tomorrow!" And now I have to take two?

How can I even do that? I've only got one carrier, and while Maddox is done his quarantine, he's got the sniffles, and they haven't met yet.

Do you think my best bet is to travel the hour long bus ride to Dr. Munn? Does he give any deals on multiple rats?


He just sits around looking pretty for the first bit. It was hard to get a video because he just sat boggling most of the time!
Mmm, that is alarming. It looks like it's just the one side that is affected. We had a rat like that, I'll have to ask mamarat if that looks like what hers did.
It can also seem like it's hurt, maybe at the thigh? If he just got hurt, it's no big deal, he'll recover well. He does not look in pain so that's good!
If I lived in TO, Dr. Munn would be the only vet I would see with my rats. He's had so much experience now, he's pretty much the expert.
I too would take him to Dr Munn...and ask when you make the appt if you can send the video link. I often send pics and vids to him, before and after appointments...every bit of info gathered is best and he doesn't mind.
:sad3: He's taken a turn for the worse. Today, he's not using is legs at all. He's got porphyrin around his nose, and the poor thing keeps trying to scratch and clean his ears.

He turns his head, pulls his ear back and does the scrunch face, but doesn't seem to understand he can't scratch himself so I do it for him.

Panzer won't leave him alone and keep crawling over him, scentmarking, and seems to be going for Posie's face constantly.. not exactly biting, but not grooming either. Posie just raises his arm and tries to keep Panzer out of his face.

Panzer a high strung alpha. Doesn't like me to constrain him, and when I 'playfight' with him he appears to take it a bit like a challenge.
Some days, when my hand goes near him he'll stand up like he's going to box with me, and if I ever try to push him off of Posie, he'll raise his hand, stand up halfway and stare me down.
He's been that way since Snitter passed.

I'm worried he'll stress Posie out by bothering him so much, but I know Posie will be even more stressed if I seperate them.

Sorry for the late response. I hadn't noticed any replies. :(
Jo, he wasn't choking- I'm sure of that at least. He'd only pull one ear back the same direction he'd turn his head/ upper body. Just imagine the face and and body position a rat makes when he's cleaning his ear, minus the foot involvement.

He didn't pull both ears back, open his mouth/retch, or make any noise.

But a pituitary tumor? He shows none of the symptoms Rowf showed when he had his, and his front arms work just fine. His balance is as good as it can get for a rat who's constantly laying down. No prayer position, or laying awkwardly. Little fingers are spread, and hands are grabby. Especially for cheerios.

I don't know if it's just my computer, but Dr. Munn's site appears to be down. Just wondering if anyone else has that issue.

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