buy some
organic or nonGMO soy infant formula or
ensure. Thicken it with a bit of
baby cereal
See if he will lick it off your finger. If he is unable to do that, then put it into a syringe and put it a drop at a time into the side of his mouth so it doesn't go into his lungs. Over the course of a day do this frequently as he likely needs at least 20 ml of fluid a day
Also give him his rat blocks soaked in water to make mush, and give him a water dish easily accessible that can not be tipped over. Also gave him treats like water melon, baby kale/mixed greens, cooked vegs, cooked grains, baby food etc as all are easy to eat and will help to keep him hydrated.
Did the vet give him sub-Q fluids such as 6 ml of IV fluid under his skin to hydrate him?
***Go see the information on
dehydrated rats and on
syringing meds (etc) into rats on our Reference Thread
REFERENCE Thread - Read Only Info is on page 10 …. a couple of links on resp issues are on page 9
Questions: What meds were you given? What is the strength of each med (mg/ml)? How much does he weigh (a digital scale that weighs accurately to 1 gram is an important tool to have)? How much of each med is he being given?
What are his symptoms?
From the weight loss I assume he may be having difficulty breathing.
Please post a video of him breathing walking etc on youtube and then put the link on here.
Also post all of this information on the facebook group, Real Rat Lovers Want To Know
Does your vet know very much about rats?
There is info in the Reference Thread (p.13) on how to humanely put a rat to sleep - most vets do not know how to do it properly