I woke up this morning, not feeling too well, so before i went back to sleep, i figured i check on all my ratties like i do every morning before school. I saw that Velcro wasnt acting right. He never sleeps anywhere but in his house or on top of his house. He was laying in the middle of his cage. He looked at me as i opened the cage door. i looked back at him and said 'what's wrong bud?', and he limped over to me and that's when i noticed, his back left leg wasnt working. It's not swollen or cut or red, or anything. But he does squeak a little when pressure is put on his leg. I think it may be because he is getting old. He's almost 3. He's the first rattie i got so ive had him the longest. I have 4 others, but ive bonded with him the most because he's been here longer, and he's always been kinda shy towards everyone but me, and he's such a cuddlebug.
Sometimes, he even sleeps in my bed with me. During the night, he usually goes back to his cage, but he stays with me until we fall asleep together and then he crawls back into his bed. ^.^ His cage is right next to my bed so he can crawl right onto it and through his little door. He's extremely smart too.
He knows when im upset because he comes over to me and lays by me and gives me kisses. He's the sweetest little boy ever. Sometimes he even watches tv with me. He'll sit in my lap the whole time. He also love the outdoors and walks with me when i go out. I couldnt ask for a better rat. I know he's old, and his time is almost up. But all i can hope for is that he goes peacefully and doesnt suffer. Does anyone have any other suggestions as to why his leg is like that? He's actually laying right next to me on my bed as im typing this. Im petting him and talking to him, and he occasionally lifts his head to look around and/or gives me kisses.
He can still walk, just not as well. :/ I took this picture with my webcam.... u can see his back leg. Dont mind the bald spot. he's had that since he was a baby.
here's the link in case it didnt show up... ... re0001.jpg
here's the link in case it didnt show up... ... re0001.jpg