My rat Janny has another URI. She was fully recovered from the first one for a few months I believe. Then I had a bunch of family come over, and she got another on the 2nd or 3rd day they were here. Maybe stress caused it? But she didn't seem stressed. I don't let anyone handle my rats that don't want to be handled. Anyways, no idea how she got it, but I am thinking it's probably long term.
She hasn't been lethargic or anything. The only symptoms I'm noticing are the noises. She's happy and running and her fur isn't puffy. I have had her on minocycline and baytril since March 9th, and the noises don't seem to be going away.
The medicine she is on is the same medicine that cured the first URI she had, but the labels on the bottles are different. In fact, when I called in for a refill, she asked what my old bottle said.
Her noises are still happening, so I am worried that maybe she got the new bottle compounded incorrectly? Or am I overthinking and the URI needs more time than 3 days?
She hasn't been lethargic or anything. The only symptoms I'm noticing are the noises. She's happy and running and her fur isn't puffy. I have had her on minocycline and baytril since March 9th, and the noises don't seem to be going away.
The medicine she is on is the same medicine that cured the first URI she had, but the labels on the bottles are different. In fact, when I called in for a refill, she asked what my old bottle said.
Her noises are still happening, so I am worried that maybe she got the new bottle compounded incorrectly? Or am I overthinking and the URI needs more time than 3 days?