still seems the same.. no worse but no better :? Hes been on the baytril for about 4 and a half days and hes still breathing extremely hard? is this normal? mind you it hasnt gotten worse but Im paranoid cuz he has gotten one or 2 more panick attacks but not as bad as the night he wasnt on meds.. so the baytril is doing something Hes still eating all his meds :joy: off my finger mind you :roll: and I do have doxy incase I should start giving that but he seems to hate that stuff lol Im just confused.. sometimes he looks so exghausted from breathing and I think I should make an appointement and end it but then for a few hours his eyes are very alert and full of life again so then I dont want to and I say we'll give it another day and it just keeps going on.. my biggest fear is the gasping.. I dont want to make him ever go through that.. Ive experienced that and I never want that to happen to any rat I have ever again.. its aggonizing to watch and it looks so painful So Im stumped with this little one.. is it normal for the baytril to take so long to slow breathing?
Doxy is bitter, so he would hate it unless it was disguised with lots of sweet stuff (banana with a bit of peanut butter & Nesquick?), but it might help the Baytril. The medication fight can really wear a rat mama/papa down.
Yeah we have both been stressed lol Im constantly checking on him and paranoid hes going to be doing horrible and always wondering "will he take his meds tonight?" blah I get anxiety stomach pains too. And he is just breathing and Im smooshing his food cuz it much take a lot of effort to chew hard things but hes still not eating.. he'll only eat bananas and hard boiled eggs and tasty things.. not his smooshed blocks :roll: And Ive also got legion here.. hes 2 years and one month.. he has a PT which I will have to put him to sleep this week.. we've been hand feeding him and giving him ensure but now hes finally to the point were he doesnt really understand how to eat and cant use his limbs right I have so many around the same age so its been a horrible few months..
It's hard to watch. I finally made one of those decisions a couple of weeks ago after one of those panicked runs around the cage. You'll have to decide when he's suffering too much. I know you hate to give up fighting, but sometimes there is no winning. Sorry
It is so stressful having more than one at that age. I got really worn out by watching rats struggle with respiratory issues. I hope that your sweetie responds soon, so that you won't have to make a second tough decision this week.
Im very conflicked a part of me is saying to take him to the vet to end it and the other is saying "maybe anther day and it will change" but he is heeving so so hard tonight his whole body is just moving and hes still panicking a bit... he looks at me with big wide eyes every now and then and it makes me think oh you still have so much life, I shouldnt take it from you but hes hurting... Im just worried hes not ready and im going to take it from him.. hes such a trooper.. I hate when they keep fighting to the very end.. it makes the decision so much harder.. but by the looks of him tonight.. Im contomplating on takng him in tomorrow depending on if hes the same or not.... he just looks so tired from breathing but forces himself to move.. I almost feel a guilt feeling when he gets the random real alert look like he wants to keep going.. gah.. :wallbang:
It's the hardest thing. For me, I look at what the rat likes to do, for mine, that's cuddling, grooming and eating. If they stop any of those two, then I bring them in.
hes still very wide eyed when hes out.. but today hes still panicking and breathing has not changed, he desnt want to eat much at all, tires him out the only thing he wants to do is be close to me and lets me pet him, it seems to ease his disscomfort....Im thinkin maybe today I should
He went into anther panick attack so we made an appointment and he is now at peace at rainbw bridge :sad3:
I knew he wasnt his normal self at the vet and I think a part of him understood what we were doing and I think he was fine about it.. He was still very alert but breathing unbelievably hard. He normally panicks at the vet but he stayed real calm and just snuggled with my hand I said goodbye and that i loved him, gave him kisses and took a big sniff of his hair :heart: and he doesnt like when strangers hold him but he stayed real calm as she held him and he just turned and looked at me real wide eyed to get me to see him and I knew he knew and his eyes said good bye mommy, thank you :cry4: