Types of "biting" behaviour?

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Jul 17, 2014
When I first got my rats, I did not realize they use their teeth for a lot of stuff, which is most often NOT agression.
I only knew they could "kiss"/nibble very softly, which would be a good sign (grooming), but a few days later I stuck my hand in and held it limply in front of Zelda, my only rat at the time (I got a second one a week later). She sniffed it, touched it, and then NOM! Used her teeth onto it.
It drew no blood, it did not even leave a mark, but it shocked me, especially cause she was a bit skittish to begin with. I wondered whether it was her telling me "I don't like you, back off!"
Later I gave it another try, and the munched on my fingers and arms a bit more, I was just getting relaxed and starting to think "Oooh it's nothing, she's just tasting!" When she bit a bit harder, which still did not draw blood but DID pierce the most outer layer of my skin and left two small red marks (not as in scratches, but very shallow puncture "wounds")
I was confused, and really afraid this time. Maybe I was right the first time... maybe she DID see me as a "nasty intruder" to her home and gently nipped me first as a warning. When I didn't go, she bit harder, and my fear was that she would start to bite harder and harder would I continue to push her boundaries.
And that is where my fear for being bitten by my rats has started (even though they have never really bitten me yet)

I am not yet sure whether it is a misinterpreting issue on my side, or whether they are indeed slightly scared of me. (Zelda licks food from my fingers without even trying to bite (though she does grab my finger with her hands to get it closer, kinda cute actually), but Snoopy, my other rat, tends to "bite" much like Zelda did at first)

So I'd like some info on when and how a rat uses his/her teeth on you. When it is 'friendly' or just 'testing' behaviour, which is normal and I should not worry about, and when it is an actual sign of distress and fear of me (and possibility the rat will bite harder if I don't draw back)
When should I LET them "bite"/nibble/chew/use their teeth on me, and when shouldn't I. And in the latter, how should I tell them "stop, don't do this!" (I heard making a high squeaking sound like a rat helps...)

Anyway, any help is welcome. I THINK I am just overly paranoid and my rats are just testing/exploring/trying, but as I'm new to rats and know no one personally who has a lot of experience, I cannot read their body language that well yet (though I know what are signs of obvious agression, and they both don't display them).

Okay... and ehh, sorry for writing so much, lol. I get carried away a little sometimes ;P
From the sounds of it, it might be that she's telling you to leave her home. But first, I would need to know her age and how long have you had her.
When/if they do bite down on you and it starts to hurt, you can let out a loud EEK! to show them that this is unpleasant for you. But it's always best to never let it get to that point so from now on, you need to work on socializing them with your hands. Each time you go in the cage have a yummy treat with you, things like peas, bananas, apples. Scoop them up one at a time to hold them and cuddle them and put them back down. Do this several times so they get accustomed to you.
I have Zelda for two weeks now, and so far she hasn't bitten me anymore since I moved her to the bigger cage with Snoopy. I have Snoopy for about a week now, and both are a few months old (I THINK. I know Snoopy is three months, as her previous owner told me, but Zelda came from a pet shop and the people there had no clue how old she was :/)

She (Snoopy) licks food from a spoon just fine, she also takes hard treats like fruits, nuts and cereal from my hands without biting, but if I just give her my hand or put the baby food on my fingers, she will try to bite me (not in a way that draws blood, but not as in nibbling either), I am not sure why. She doesn't seem scared of me, as when I open the cage door she rushes to it immediately (she knows I bring tasty stuff).

Just generally when I present her anything which is a bit soft, she will bite or chew on it, she even chewed a hole in one of their water bottles! Maybe she doesn't realize my fingers are things with feeling... though she doesn't bite the spoon when I give her babyfood on it (maybe cause it's iron?)

I can't pick them up or stroke them yet without freaking out, but I am trying to let them walk out of the door, onto my hand (they almost do that, though are still reluctant to leave the cage entirely)
The thing is... I want to give them the attention and love they need and deserve, but right now I am too spooked something might go wrong. I know I shouldn't be, but aside tell-tale signs of happiness, agression, distress, etc. I have no idea what they are thinking, thus making them unpredictable for me. I know I shouldn't be scared (especially cause they rarely bite HARD), but because I have difficulty reading them, I still am. I want to overcome this though, as my rats deserve better than an owner who is too scared to take them out to play :(
It's very normal how you are feeling. Keep in mind that rats in general do not bite. They nibble, they taste, they groom. So I encourage you to really try to socialize them with you. Hold them, play with them, the more they see you and your hands, the less likely they will nibble. Unless you happen to have a nibbler... at least they don't hurt or make you bleed. lol
Licking is very much like grooming, and I think it is (unless you have yoghurt smeared on your face, LOL)

I have a photo of the harder type of 'bite' btw. As you can see: no blood, but definitely clear marks.
I don't feel like it is friendly, but then I have no idea why not. I give them lots of small treats throughout the day, both soft and hard foods, and they take them without problem. Also when I approach the cage or open the door they come to me curiously, and don't cower in a corner. All of this seem like signs to me they are not afraid or aggressive towards me, but this type of biting confuses me a lot. What is going on here? What are my rats thinking of me? How can I improve our relationship and bond with them better??
No. In the case of this exact bite I held my hand out with some babyfood smeared onto it (on my palm, not my fingers), and Zelda licked it off while I held my hand completely still, no probs, then out of nowhere she just did this to me. I don't get it, and that is what makes me afraid. I don't get if they like me or not, I don't get why they "bite" me or why they wouldn't like me... I don't provoke them in ANY way.
Also, if I put on gloves, just to make me less nervous (as the rats will most likely pick up my nerves and get more fearful also), will that make my rats think it aren't my fingers/an intruder? Will it hinder the bonding process?
I would just keep trying to show them that fingers don't mean harm. Petting them and speaking softly to them to reassure that it's nothing bad, bringing treats and 'eeping' when it hurts or when they nibble too hard. I have a foster currently that's bitten me 5 times really hard to draw a lot of blood and countless times with bites like yours. It's taken a while but he stopped the biting but like you I'm still hesitant with picking him up now. I found a way to pick him up with my forearms instead of my hands that makes me feel more comfortable to avoid another nasty bite. (Though my boyfriend has picked him up with hands no problem now)
Right now I try to show them petting is something NICE and not an attempt of murder. I think it's working, as Zelda was bruxing when I petted her yesterday. Though they are often also too hyper to sit still and be pet for a second.

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