two small lumps, either side of the penis?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
Cornwall, England
I'm hoping this isn't yet more health issues for my lovely Sam.

these are my first boys, so I don't know how worrying this is.

either side of his penis, slightly in front, he's got two small lumps, one slightly larger than the other, and one each side.
I'll try and get a pic if it's any help.

I've compared to Scamp, who is smooth.

I'm hoping the symmetry is a sign it's not too scary or horrible.

is this something that happens normally, or a sign he needs a willy clean, or something that needs checking out?

fingers crossed for my special boy.

if anyone has any ideas what it might be or how I can help, I'd be very grateful. I'll be getting him an appointment to have it checked on Monday.

he's currently on Septrin at the moment, if that's any help, or might steer it towards or away from anything specific.
How old is the little man and why is he on Septrin?
Septrin will help if it's an abscess. I wonder if rats have glands there and it's coming out more if he's not feeling well.
I'll try and get some pics. they appear to correlate with the position of the glands that begin with a P. the ones that make Smegma. (nice)

he's on Septrin at the moment for a resp. infection. which I know is not usual, but it does seem to have helped. we're just carrying on the course to the end at the moment.

he's about a year old. a little over maybe.
Sams centrefold shot.
I wondered about that as a possibility. I can't see any obvious plug or gunk, and there's no smell.
I've once in the past caught him with a mucky part, but he'd cleaned it up by the next day. that was quite some time ago.

hopefully it's something easily fixed.
I'm reluctant to push them much.

he doesn't like having them poked at, but otherwise he seems comfortable, when he's just doing his thing. it's only when I feel around them that he seems uncomfortable.
My Stefan had abcesses there(not on both sides at the same time) when the glands(don't remember the name of them) were infected. A long round on Baytril got rid of it. We tried a lot(several medications for 7-14 days) even surgery, but it kept comming back.. Until we tried a long cure.. Don't know if it helps tho..
poor Sam. he's rarely off the ABs.

I'll get him an app. Monday to see if the vets got any ideas, but there's certainly a few possibilities I'll mention to him.
It looks like his testicles!!!! In rats, the scrotum is continuous with the abdomen. It doesn't look like his testicles are in his scrotum, and are instead up inside his abdomen.
Joanne said:
It looks like his testicles!!!! In rats, the scrotum is continuous with the abdomen. It doesn't look like his testicles are in his scrotum, and are instead up inside his abdomen.

this is what it looks like to me too from the photo.
I hope thats it. his tail base doesn't look so testically in that picture, so I did wonder, but when I checked back, he didn't seem to be short in the testicle area

BUT. he's not a very testically rat. most of the time, anyway. occasionally when it's a bit warm, they look big, but most of the time I even tease him about being endowed with nothing more than a couple of baked beans, so it COULD be that I suppose.

*fingers crossed*

I mean when I checked, he appeared to have both, but like I said, he isn't a big ball boy, so maybe he carries them up inside a lot, apart from the few occasions I notice him looking bigger balled than usual.

because the sack would usually give at least the appearence of having a small and tidy pair, right?
Feel his sac if it feels empty then it is probably his testicles if you search fr tart you can find his pictuure his testice was undeer his skin above his willy.

Here is Tart's testicle. It was under the skin above the actual muscle. it would move around when you touched it. Honestly his was the size of a testicle and his right sac was totally empty. the size for your boys lumps just dont seem big enough but boy testicles have 3 parts and it is possible maybe one of those parts is misplace. The testicle is on the right the other two parts are part of the male reproductive organ. Picture are from my boy loki LOL so it is always good to keep a picture of the actual testicle.

******surgery picture do not click if you cannot stand seeing actual organs.******

it does look quite similar to Tarts lump. I'll get him an appointment to be checked over tomorrow, but I'm feeling more hopeful it's not too horrible.

he's my super special little boy. a definite heart rat that wee man.
everyone that's met my five ratties, he's their favourite.

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