I was having a discussion with a few in chat eariler about tumors. My oldest rat right now is I'm guessing 13-15 months old. I have never experienced a tumor before, & I am just looking for some information on them.
What to look for ? (males and females) (I do daily checks)
I know unspayed females usualy get them (sadly all 4 of my girls are unspayed - I am trying to save money ..but I am having money issues atm
What age do they usually start coming about?
Are they easily removed if cought early? do they always grow back, and if so how soon?
Share your stories, I'd like to know more.
I was having a discussion with a few in chat eariler about tumors. My oldest rat right now is I'm guessing 13-15 months old. I have never experienced a tumor before, & I am just looking for some information on them.
What to look for ? (males and females) (I do daily checks)
I know unspayed females usualy get them (sadly all 4 of my girls are unspayed - I am trying to save money ..but I am having money issues atm
What age do they usually start coming about?
Are they easily removed if cought early? do they always grow back, and if so how soon?
Share your stories, I'd like to know more.