Well-Known Member
My lil miss Leela has a large tumor on her side. Because of her age, I thought that I wouldn't opt to get it removed. But she still has so much life in her, and now I am thinking that I should have it removed. Especially since I am thinking of getting her two new friends (because he current cage mate is getting PTS probably today, which I will post about later
). She is healthy, and has never had any health problems. Here is a pictur of her tumor:
Has anyone had a tumor removed on an older ratty? How did it go? How long did the rat live after? Sorry, I've never had a tumor removed before, the only time I've had a rat go under for surgery was when Scabbers was neutered. So any advice would be great.

Has anyone had a tumor removed on an older ratty? How did it go? How long did the rat live after? Sorry, I've never had a tumor removed before, the only time I've had a rat go under for surgery was when Scabbers was neutered. So any advice would be great.