Tumor or Abscess?

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That would be great lilspaz!


This morning she is basically fighting us when we try to clean it out, guessing she feels better in that sense aha.

Her weight is amazing, it's gone up so much.

The vet says that the infection might be caused by the tumor having a part of it die, is that possible? Can the whole tumor die?
Does this mean that the whole tumor is dead - the reason for the increase in being herself? (Being happy, eating tons, etc).

Also, she is really liking baby food right now, I don't want to risk her not wanting to eat anything else. Do I just keep her happy with baby food?
Wow, I'm glad to hear she is still improving! I would give her as much food as she will eat (but try to keep it healthy!)
Are you flushing the area for her? Is she cleaning it and it's just oozing a bit because it's draining? Or is she at it aggressively? If she's really bothering it, she may be having some discomfort. Is she on any pain meds at the moment?
And is she on antibiotics at the moment?
Still on antibiotics, she is just cleaning it, not really aggressively attacking it, but when shes cleaning it, it's bleeding a bit, we are cleaning the wound 2-3 times a day.
Then let her do it. She will do a much better job than you can, and bleeding cleans things out as well. Keep up with the flushes and whatever she will eat. You can start to add in bits of lab block dust to the baby food to get better nutrition into her.
Well, thank you to everyone who helped me out. Your help has really helped her to enjoy her extended time.

Today she was taken to the vet and put to sleep, was looking really limp yesterday, her eye was really poppy, she didn't want to eat and to be honest I didn't think she would make it through the night.

She ate 3 spoon fulls of potato and pumpkin mash, yet still looked really limp and weak.

Had no choice in the end, I didn't want her suffering and had to make the choice.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped once again!

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