To introduce or not?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
Buck has been diagnosed with PT and the meds are helping, but he is still sneezing. Could this be a symptom of the PT? I wonder because I would love to introduce him to the 7 week old boys so he doesnt have to be alone anymore. What do you guys think? Another concern of mine is he is mostly on a soft food diet. Would this be a problem with the babies since it would be next to impossible from stopping them from eating it.
Has long as he had the PT? I would also be very weary of introducing an adult to babies under 10 weeks. I don't have any experience with PT but I'm wondering if intros might be too stressful for him.
He started showing symptoms about a week ago, and I think we caught it early. I'm just worried about the fact that he is all alone right now, am trying to weigh which would benefit him more =/
What meds is he on? If he's on an antibiotic, then I'd think it should be ok to intro the babies. 7 weeks is a little young, I'd wait one more week. What kind of soft foods is he on?
he is on prednisone and bayril, and I'm feeding hm baby cereal, veggie baby foods, ensure, ect because he hasn't been eating hard food, vet said it might hurt him to, and he is eating that stuff ok.
That food will make your babies fat and probably get them off blocks for a long time. So it's a hard call, maybe have them play together, spend time together but not live together.
Have you thought about trying Bromocriptine for the PT? Bromo has been shown to actually shrink the tumour. The pred and baytril can only buy you a bit of time by reducing the swelling.
hmm, no. Is it a steroid treatment as well? How much does that medicine usually cost? I'll ask her about it when I call to get more baytril in a couple of days. Would he even still be on the Baytril with the new meds?
Okay I introduce them during playtime just so he could have a little time with other rats but still have peace in his cage. It went wonderfully! ::

Look how happy =D ::

Here I lifted up the house and they were all snuggled together <3

Back to the house! Move, move, move!


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