Tiny Fur Covered BumpS

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About 2 months ago I took everyone to the vet & got them treated for mites with topical ivermectin, once a week for 3 weeks aplied to the back of the neck and base of the tail.
The reason for treatment was because I noticed bumps under the chin, no scabs on the shoulders nor excessive itching.
During treatment I scrubed everything and froze everything possible.
The bumps never did go away.
I always freeze my food, litter, and anything bought for them.
Just wondering if anyone knows what these bumps could be? ..most of them only have one small bump, similar to a pimple but fur covered, could it be from grooming? most of my kids groom each other under the chin/side of face, and they powergroom alot.
I don`t mean to hijack the thread, but it just so happens that about a half hour ago, I discovered something very similar to what you are describing on my Libra (estimated to be 6 months old), and I managed to get a picture:


I am going to make a separate thread on it, and edit to post the link to it.

Edit: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=20051
It's alot like that ^ just with no mass underneath. I really think it's from grooming.
you said you dosed your rats on 2 parts of their body, how big was the dosage? you should only just dose the one part (the amount is really miniscule so you don't overdose. Rats often get lumpies and bumpies especially with age.

Next time just watch the bumps and see if they change or get worse to see if they need any possible treatment.
The dose was very small.
They are more like pimples, they never did go away and they still have them.
Very very small pimple like things, and like I said it's in the spot where they clean each other.
All 8 have them, and ll 8 clean each other in that spot.
That's weird that they would all have it. If you can take a pic.
But if there are no changes and the rats seem fine otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
there is a little hair covered bump under their chin that is normal for most rats, is it that? Or is the hair off? I think it has whiskers growing out of it?
also, there don't seem to be any discomfort.
the amount of ivemectin was 0.03 per 100 grams
If it were overdosed, would I have noticed anything different?
Everyone still seems fine, no weird reactions while having it.
I'm sure it must have been the 1% stuff, because my vet is the best rat vet in town. :thumbup:
Ratty Momma said:
If it were overdosed, would I have noticed anything different?
Everyone still seems fine, no weird reactions while having it.
I'm sure it must have been the 1% stuff, because my vet is the best rat vet in town. :thumbup:

It should be okay. I had a girl get Overdosed on it but she was older and it was .3 cc's all at once. She ended up having strokes. She was dosed before she arrived by a vet who should be banned from the profession :(

It's just so much more toxic than Revolution to randomly dose.

I havent had any signs of anything! I will check when I get home on the bottle though. But I'm sure there's no way of overdose.
Mine were all 12 months when treated.

What would the signs of overdose be? and how soon would you see them?

They have not been acting any differently in any way. They were treated May 12/2010 with the first dose.

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