Today I cannot even tell he had surgery by looking at it, but oh my is he unruly!!! I got about .2 cc of the metacam in him this am before I had to leave for work. Later in the afternoon Al put Peanut in with him and said he became a puff ball and that didn't go well so he took him out. When I got home I put Oliver in for a visit - also did not go well. After I cleaned the little boys DCN we put Throttle back - oh boy! Puff ball. All the boys seem to be tussling today especially Axe, Popper, and Oliver. Throttle was all over the cage like he had never been in it before and the boys all seemed to be ganging up on him and were even blocking his way around as a group. Throttle seemed disorientated and was leaning on the cage walls when he was walking and also seemed to be dragging his butt - and he had a waddle walk. He was also giving his butt to all the boys and backing into them. He would then pancake and lay his head over the side of the shelf and doing the boggling thing with his eyes. I did start video taping him because he just seemed very off, but I couldn't get all the behavior on tape. He then went after Popper - and I mean in a weird way. He chased him from the top of the DCN to the bottom until Popper to went into a hanging "shoe" hideout, but Throttle then stalked him he stood at the opening of the shoe and wouldn't let him come out until we distracted them with food. Food was a whole different issue. No one wanted to go by him at this point and those that did he wouldn't let near the food??!! What is wrong with him???? He is going after everyone. At this point when Al would pick him up he squeaks - like a cry squeak so we gave him another .1 cc of the metacam and have put him back into his own cage for the night.