This is sad

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That is very odd. I wonder if these two boys were siblings? If so, it could have been genetics, if not, then the vet needs to change is protocol.
Anesthetic losses are a part of operating unfortunately - however to lose two on the same day, with the same reaction would concern me. greatly.
The foaming almost makes me thing of some sort of aspiration reaction (as we obviously cannot put ET tubes into our little ratties) and the red was perhaps lung surfactant?

I cannot even imagine.

I agree with Jo that if these rats were not siblings that the anesthetic protocol for rodents NEEDS to be further investigated.

As frightening as that is, and i dont mean to sound insensititve by this, it will not stop me from doing elective and even moreso necessary surgeries on my little guys - mind you i am often right there beside them, as i work at the clinics i take them to, however I will discuss anesthetic protocols more closely with the Dr's before any of my kids go under again...
I don't know a lot but that doesn't sound like what I would expect a complication to surgery to be like ... I wonder how experienced the vet is with rats and what his track record is. ..... if proper meds and proceedure are being used.
That is so awful, my worst fear. Hearing that news just after twitch lost her dear Babydoll after surgery has got me skittish again.

Foaming at the mouth sounds very odd, and I hope that the vet is consulting with his colleagues about it. A post-mortem would have been a good idea under the circumstances. I can't help wondering if there was an internal hemorrhage.

My heart goes out to her.
:sad3: oh no.... I would be completely heartborken! My heart goes out to that poor lady :sad3:

The red foam... the first thing I thought of was that they must have aspirated... I would think that there was probably an anesthetic problem... I also am a little concerned about something else.... She says she brought in 4 to be neutered, the first went well, the second was okay but while the third was being cut, the second started dying, then the third... he still went on to operate on the fourth?!?! :rant:

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