I didn't have much time to read to see if this question was asked earlier, so sorry if this is one of those repeat questions.
I was given 8 rats by the owner of my local pet store (and friend of mine) who had escaped their cages in march, and they had just caught them a few days ago. They had apparently lived off the dog and cat food stored back there, and got little water from a leaky pipe.
So of course they came to me pretty skinny and dehydrated, but they also have very thin/dirty looking fur. Could this have been from an improper diet?
As of now, they are getting as much water and food as they want, and are currently eating Mazuri rodent food that I use for my ASF rats.
How long do you think it will take them to have their hair back and looking normal again with proper diet and hydration? (by the way, one of them in the pics is a rex I think, I'm pretty sure you can identify him pretty easily)
I was given 8 rats by the owner of my local pet store (and friend of mine) who had escaped their cages in march, and they had just caught them a few days ago. They had apparently lived off the dog and cat food stored back there, and got little water from a leaky pipe.
So of course they came to me pretty skinny and dehydrated, but they also have very thin/dirty looking fur. Could this have been from an improper diet?
As of now, they are getting as much water and food as they want, and are currently eating Mazuri rodent food that I use for my ASF rats.
How long do you think it will take them to have their hair back and looking normal again with proper diet and hydration? (by the way, one of them in the pics is a rex I think, I'm pretty sure you can identify him pretty easily)