it has certainly been a topsy turvy couple of days. but i am so happy with the ending so far. i think its a miracle and i don't really believe in those. normally there is a reason. but even if it was a bad reaction to the medications that can logically explain it, it feels like so much more. perhaps this is what they mean when they say attachment clouds judgment, but i really don't care. my logical mind can be damned. i'm just happy. and yeah, its likely bribes will get all the more spoilt... in reality this is only a reprieve. he's still sick. he's always going to be sick. but after the last couple days i don't care if its only an extra hour (which it hasn't been). he's been so lively and active today. still not the old bribes, he may never come back completely, but so much closer to it then he has been in what feels like ages. he felt so tired before. so sad. now, he's happy again. the joy that brings, when we were so close to losing him, its indescribable! what a roller coaster!