The babies seem very thin.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
I'm a little worried because when I got the babies out today for their out time, they seem much thinner than normal. I checked and they have food in their hidey spot, but i don't know if its more or less than yesterday. I made them some baby cereal with ensure, and they are going nuts for it, as well as the lab blocks I pulled out like they haven't eaten in days.

I weighed them using the kitchen thing we've got, so its not very accurate, but Seamus is about 125 grams and Neville is about 110. Neville has always been a bit smaller than Seamus, but he seems very skinny. I can feel his spine, very bony like. Seamus isn't as bad... I dunno if maybe they just had a growth spurt or what. They are both active and seem fine other than this, and are about 9 weeks old... if they were actually 4 weeks when i got them.

here are some pictures I just took of them. they aren't very good, but hopefully you can tell something.
Most are of Neville because he is so much skinnier than Seamus, and I am more worried about him.


Seamus streached out

Front shot of seamus, after eating a bunch of baby cereal.

Neville eating

Neville from the front

neville from the back

Neville stretched out... sorry its blurry.
Neville is on the skinnier side but they are growing sooooo much that I wouldn't worry about him being a bit on the scrawny side if there are no other issues present. Seamus looks slender but in good condition to me.
They don't look deathly thin to me, but they do look on the small side. Have you checked their teeth to make sure they can eat the hard blocks? Is their poop normal? I'd supplement them with ensure, baby cereal, baby food, avocado but crush the blocks into everything you make so you know they are eating them too. Maybe give them some meal worms once in a while.

Keep an eye on their weight as well... it may be a worthwhile investment to get an accurate digital scale so you know exactly how much they are loosing or gaining. At this age they should be gaining weight. Do they seem healthy and alert otherwise?
they are indeed active and happy looking. And i've watched them eat the blocks, so i don't think thats a problem. I was feeding them baby cereal every day, but I cut it back to once a week when they were about 6 weeks because i was afraid it was too much.
They get veggies every day, and cheerios...

I was also planing on switching their food soon, from Forti-diet to Oxbow, but i'm wondering if the protein might be beneficial for them for a while.
Wow...they are SO much bigger than my 8-week guys (...closer to 9 weeks now). ....If that makes you feel any better?

They look OK by pictures, but sometimes pictures lie I know. I'd try supplementing them some extra veggies and maybe some ensure if you're worried. They seem lean to me, but not super-skinny. Wesley was about that size when he got here because he was one of those constantly-on-the-go types.
If it makes you feel better, my rat was about that size at 3 months old. And... he's now the second biggest of the group, LOL.

I'd prefer them being a little thin than being on the overweight side, personally, as long as they are eating and active.
If you do the switch, continue to offert the Kaytee for a while as well. I'd keep giving them the baby cereal once or twice a week, otherwise, they seem good.
thanks everyone... i feel better about it, especially bc they are still active and everything.
I think i'll offer Neville extra Cereal during his out time until he puts on more weight. It just freaked me out that I could feel all his bones.

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