I did the eeping when I first got Gizmo and Techno cause they were nipping but I think they were just stretching their limits, seeing how I would react, but I wanted to make it clear that i was the MAMA and that behavior I didn't like, so I'd eep really loud whenever they bit too hard, did the same thing with Nes and Gyro too. Now all they do is lick my hands or groom my finger nails :cheeky: it's quite adorable really. In the middle of me trying to do some work on the computer or draw, Gizmo or Gyro will make me stop everything cause they scoop up my hands so they can groom under my fingernails. I suspect this is their way of bonding with me or they smell food under my nails and trying to get at it lol, never bit me though. Surpisingly they don't bite me through the bars either, i stick my finger in and they put their mouths on my finger to see if its food, then pull back and lick my fingers instead :giggle: Oh they have their moments with each other, but they are gentle to their mama :heart: