Sudden death

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
I have been working really hard at work to make sure that most of our babies go to loving homes, instead of the alternative, and I've been quite successful.

However, yesterday, a family who bought two beautiful boys brought one back, deceased. This rat apparently was alert and eating, running and jumping, showing no sign of illness, that morning, and when the family returned from school/work that evening, that same rat was gone. They were eating Oxbow lab block, and had not been given any other foods yet that day. They had plenty of clean water. When I looked at the rat, he didn't even have poryphin discharge. He showed no signs of abuse, and his abdomen was not swollen.

They'd only had him about a week. The other boy is just fine, he had the new home sneezes, but is getting better. The rat that died wasn't even sneezey.

I'd guess they are about 16 weeks old, maybe 20, because they are about the same size as my boys. Any guesses on what could have been cause of death? Anything I can do to help prevent this? The poor kids were so sad.
These things happen unfortunately and had to say what could have caused it and surely nothing that you could have done to prevent it either.
I'm so sorry. :hugs:
The outside sometimes looks nice and healthy but the inside is a mess and a genetic time bomb...could've been his heart, a stroke, anything that would make him drop dead like that. Horribly sad, but only reminds the rest of us to not take our youngsters for granted and to enjoy each day as much as you can. :sad3:
I am very sorry.
As Shelagh said, it could have been a stroke or a heart attack.
It sounds like there was nothing that could have been done.

I am very sorry.
Aww, poor little man, far too young to go already. As others have said, this stuff happens, especially in our wee little rats.

One of my greyhounds died of a massive brain aneurysm when I was in high school. He was completely healthy :( **** happens.
The only way to know what happened would be to have an autopsy done.**edit: necropsy, not autopsy**
Sorry you (they) lost one so young. I hope they will be getting the surviving rattie some company.
The poor little bug-a-boo. :sad3:

Rats can be brilliant when it comes to hiding their ailments. I would also guess that it could have been a heart condition.

I hope, for his little sake, that it was quick and painless.

Not a fine thing for the guy upstairs to do though. I appreciate that he must have needed your little guy something fierce, but stealing him out from under his new family without any warning was not fine of him. I'll let him know about it on Sunday.

I too hope that the family gets their remaining boy a little friend. He is much too young to be on his own without companionship. :heart:
they did indeed get another buddy. I left them with propper intro instructions, but I have a feeling things will go very well, because they are so young. I told them to call if they had any issues.

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