I use Aspen bedding. And OH the smell. Every other day I wipe the different levels off, I use gloves and pick out poops and dirty spots in the bedding almost daily, and totally change it out once a week or so, unless they spill food/water or are sick etc. but I cannot stay on top of the smell. If it was just me, I wouldn't care too much because they're in their own room, but my brother lives here too and he b**ches nonstop about the slightest whiff of ratty stink.
As long as the weather permits, their windows stay open, still stinks! Not sure what to do. Before I knew any better I had my rats living on pine bedding (I know - now) and the smell was never bad because the pine seemed to absorb it and release a piney smell. The aspen has no smell, and seems to foul very quickly. I haven't really tried much yet besides keeping it clean and airing the room out via windows..
Thanks, it's becoming a problem and if it continues I'm going to have to find homes for some of them - my brother has the right to be comfortable here, he pays rent too.
As long as the weather permits, their windows stay open, still stinks! Not sure what to do. Before I knew any better I had my rats living on pine bedding (I know - now) and the smell was never bad because the pine seemed to absorb it and release a piney smell. The aspen has no smell, and seems to foul very quickly. I haven't really tried much yet besides keeping it clean and airing the room out via windows..
Thanks, it's becoming a problem and if it continues I'm going to have to find homes for some of them - my brother has the right to be comfortable here, he pays rent too.