Spaying follow up care?

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MN Rat Pack

Mar 22, 2020
Mesa, AZ
I just had one rat day from what I suspect was a pituitary tumor. I’d like to get her sister spayed. She is one year old. What is the follow up care when you spay a rat? Do they wear a cone of some sort? Thanks, Danielle
When I have had rats spayed, after surgery the vet gives an injection of Metacam that will provide pain relief for 24 hrs. After that I give metacam orally for several days.
In my experience a cone etc is not needed if the rattie is getting enough pain control
The rattie can go back inwith her friends after she is no longer groggy
My vet does a (free) checkup abut 12 to 14 days after surgery

Btw mke sure you use a vet that has the knowledge and experience to safely spay rats - only gas anesthetic and no injections until pain meds after the surgery