Spay day...

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This group, at least the younger girls, seem to be chewing on days 2-4 - they've started leaving their glue alone now that it's more interesting to hang upside down from the tote cage's mesh. So it's when it still hurts, but not so much that it's overwhelming. Probably when it's close to abscess level pain.

Jo, do you think it would cause harm to trim the teeth of a healthy rat with no dental problems? it's not the optimal solution, as I really would like them to not want to chew, but if it's harmless it may be worth a shot while we're trying to figure out something better.
My vet doesn't put many sutures internally and does only glue externally. At 2 to 4 days, they should be almost healed by then.
Have you tried the Elizabethan collar?

Trimming the teeth won't hurt her. I've had my Jasper's teeth trimmed right to the gum line because they were so misaligned. But they grow quite fast. Does your vet think the teeth trimming is the way to go?

Just to recap, you've had how many girls spayed now? complications on all of them?
From what I've seen there were about 4 sutures internally, and glue externally... I've had 9 girls spayed total, 2 didn't pop their glue, only 2 actually went after internal sutures (both of these were 18-19 months old), and Mimsy went after every external closure that we tried (glue sutures and staples). I've tried everything from an E-collar to a stocking to mummy wrap on Mimsy and she got out of everything within 30 minutes.

My back-up vet would probably say that trimming the teeth is the way to go. I'll call my regular vet tomorrow (or talk to her in person on Tuesday) to see if she agrees, or wants to talk it over with my back-up vet first. They'd only need enough of a trim to keep from hooking sutures for a few days to a week, so rapid regrowth isn't much of an issue...
My vet has told me in the past that if the rat gets to external stitching or glue that it's not really a bad thing, just got to keep it clean.
Oh I forgot she does hidden internal sutures, (not sure what that means) and says the rats can't get to them.

What about not trimming the teeth yet but rushing her in for the trim if in case she does go after the stitching?
I wonder if your vet should change her surgery protocols. She might not be using a strong enough sedative during surgery? But that would be hard for you to tell her that.
The main thing that I'm worried about is that the ones that went after the internal stitches did it overnight or early morning (I slept in due to illness), and Kiwi hadn't shown any signs of being interested in chewing at herself before. Sparta I had just re-glued the night before, and that usually lasts at least 12 hours even with persistent chewers...

Maybe I'm just paranoid since I've gotten my statistical allotment of serious complications early.
It seems like 6 of one, half a dozen of the other... I've had one die of uterine cancer and another die of sepsis secondary to pyometra as well, so the spay isn't necessarily the riskier option.
From my talk with her, Dr. Susan is agreeable with trying the tooth trim as long as I'm agreeable with the extra nursing care. I'm kinda thinking that they're chewing when it itches, which is completely natural, but not good because it's when it's not quite healed yet. I'm pretty darned sure that everyone in this group is out of the woods, though. :happydance:

Now I'll just have to deal with intros again. :gaah:
As soon as I see focused grooming on the incision site, I'll definitely try the vaseline. Do you think natural oils like olive or coconut oil would work as well, or would they just be more inclined to overgroom because it's tasty?

As a datapoint, the tooth trim seems to have lasted about 4 days (she's crunching on lab blocks today anyway) which is *just* enough to get through the "must chew" phase. With rattie healing, it's also just about enough to be mostly healed up. Now we shall see if Kiwi has any stitches left by the "2 weeks" that my back-up vet said. If she's looking well healed I may bring her in this friday for stitch removal instead, so she doesn't hurt herself.

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