Sophie: tumours (5!) + throat abscess + ? *long post*

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
Montreal, QC
Sophie is about 27 or 28 months old, she came to us last March when her first family couldn't keep her and Grace because of a serious allergy. She was a very timid rat when she got here, but after we introduced her to my other rats and Grace passed in the summer she really came out of her shell and is a very happy, easy going rat.

In May, she developed her first mammary tumour under her left armpit. We went to the vet and she was my first recipient of a Deslorelin implant. Unfortunately, in July the tumour started to grow and we thought she developed another on her collar bone, so we booked her for surgery. The vet was able to remove the one under her armpit but because it was so spread out he was not able to get to the one on her collarbone. We decided to keep an eye on it (I had already tried compresses and antibiotics to try to treat it as an abscess) and if it continued growing we would book her for another surgery when she had healed from her first one.

It did continue to grow, so she went in for surgery sometime in August and it was then we found out it was an abscess. Despite the two months on antibiotics and the compresses. At the time the tissue under her right armpit was feeling like it was developing into another lump but it was in the early stages and I was much more concerned about the lump on her throat.

She was on antibiotics (Batryl and Doxy) all through the fall until mid to late November, when she finally went through an entire two weeks without a wheeze and I took her off. Big mistake. Within 48 hours she developed a huge lump in her throat. At the time, I had already found two more likely mammary tumours on her - one about the size of an olive on the outside of her left hind leg, the other the size of a lentil on her right side. I took her to the vet, he also suspected an abscess (he thinks it's blood borne from the lungs) and we decided to try Sepra to get rid of it since Batryl and Doxy did nothing for it last time. At that appointment the vet also found a lump (we do not think it's a mammary tumour but some other kind of tumour) near her urethrae.

After a week on Sepra the lump was shrinking but she started to wheeze so I called the vet and he added Batryl and Doxy to her treatment regimen. When we went in another two weeks later, her abscess had stopped shrinking but was at least stable and her breathing was good. Both the lump on her hind leg and her underside were growing and we talked about when we would have to worry about them because neither I nor the vet want to put her through another surgery at her age unless there are no other options. She also has a small scratch on her back from a run in with Amy during intros that doesn't seem to be healing and is getting bigger. I started putting an ointment on it last week and it is finally starting to heal, but I think her body is losing it's ability to heal itself.

She is still on all three antibiotics and was doing great until 2 days ago when her abscess was clearly getting bigger. I have tried doing compresses but it is hard to keep her still and it will not come to a head. Yesterday, I had her out with my two former fosters (we adopted them) and Monty and she had a blast. She even sneaked off the bed at some point and left the room, only to trot back in before I noticed her gone with a piece of cracker she found God knows where. She was so proud of herself.

Every night when I let them out, I clean the CN. If nothing else I change the liners and any hammocks or cubes that smell like pee. It's become a ritual that when I start cleaning the cage, Oreo will come in and try to take the blocks from the cage and hide them around the room and the other four girls, especially Sophie and Annabelle, bring them all back. Tonight Sophie was doing just that but something happened and she bolted out of the cage and I never saw her again during playtime. This is odd, because Sophie is not the most graceful rat and she doesn't really bolt, not the way she did (I wasn't even completely certain it was her because she disappeared so fast) and she always stops by for cuddles many times during playtime and is almost always asleep and back in the cage when I put everyone else back.

At the end of playtime tonight I did meds (everyone comes for those - they think they are treats :giggle: ) and put everyone back and had to go searching for Sophie. She was buried under some fleece scrap they have dragged to a hard to reach corner of the room, not asleep, but would not come out when I called her. I reached in and brought her on the bed, gave her her Sepra (have not figured out how to mask it so I have to force it) but afterward she would not eat the applesauce/PB with her other meds. All of the other rats ate theirs (they all get some, whether they are taking meds or not, this way they are used to the routine for when they do need meds) so I don't think there's anything wrong with the mix itself.

Watching her I noticed she was a little confused - not like PT confused but like maybe she was blind. She's a himi so she has always had poor eyesight, but it's almost like she can't see at all now. I got a Cheerio to do "the test" and I had to poke her with it to get her to hold it, which she did perfectly, but she wouldn't eat it. Her chin was soaked in drool, which may be partly due to her trying to spit out the Sepra, but it seemed a bit excessive. She doesn't seem to have any balance or coordination issues though, and no paralysis of one side of her body. Feeling her over I found two more lumps. Another tiny one, this time on her left side, and the one that was developing under her right armpit is also now clearly a tumour. The one on her underside, the one that worries me, is not much bigger and does not seem to be affecting any vital functions. Her breathing is fine and there is no sign of porphyrin or lethargy. She seems like a lumpy, healthy, happy rat in a new place - too busy trying to get to know her surroundings to bother eating. She has slimmed down over the last few months, but she is still by no means skinny or underweight, and it has not been a drastic change.

She never would take her meds tonight, no matter what we tried, and I don't want to force them and stress her out even more. I made her some oatmeal with a bit of boiled egg white and Greens + (my rats love the stuff and I can't stand it) and I got her to eat that, but she did not go to the bowl on her own, we had to put the spoon in front of her. I am going to mix up some baby food and block dust before going to bed, hopefully she will take some of that as well.

I'm calling the vet in the morning for an appointment, but I was hoping someone had some suggestions on what it could be. I haven't ruled out early PT even though she passed the Cheerio test, but I don't think that's it. Could she have had a stroke that's affected her eyesight? I don't think she's in pain and do not want to give Metacam to double check because I know she may be put on Pred tomorrow. I do have an opiate pain med of some sort, but I am going to avoid it unless I am sure she needs it as I don't want to affect her behaviour before we go to the vet. She is such a sweet girl, this is so unfair :sad3:
I don't think it's PT either from what you're saying, but it's not unheard of one presenting differently early on.

A Neurological event could have taken place... I also wonder at the possibility of a different brain tumour, not PT, pressing on ocular nerves and causing confusion, or something.
I'm thinking whatever is going on is neurological and I am almost positive she is completely blind and it happened in an instant. After she bolted last night I tried looking for her but didn't find her and assumed she was out and about doing her ratty business so I left it. I wish I had kept looking, not that it would have made much of a difference but I may have been able to comfort her and I would not feel as bad right now.

She seems happy in the CN and I usually keep things the same so she hasn't had trouble finding her way around. She was sleeping in the Circus last night (her favourite spot) when I realized I had forgotten to give them blocks for the night and I opened the cage to give them some. She didn't take them from me one by one and run off with them to stash them like she usually does and wouldn't even take one from me. I put one down in front of her in the Circus and when she realized what it was and got a hold of it, she started munching away on it. Vet opens at 10 and I will call them then for an appointment... I am so sad because I have no idea if there's much I can do to help her.
I have experienced so many PT cases... and I would say this one sound similar to what some of my rats have been through. I wouldn't say blind but unable to smell is the problem. The cheerio being in front of her, never mind seeing it, the smell and whiskers should have made her know exactly where it was, made her grab it and eat it. But PT does cause a loss of the sense of smell and even the whiskers loses it's sensitivity to touch.
It could also have been a type of stroke, one that made her bolt and panic in the midst of it.
She's an old girl and at the right age for these things to happen. The fact that she is getting all these mammary tumours would suggest to me that she must be developing PT as well as both are fed from the same source.
jorats said:
I have experienced so many PT cases... and I would say this one sound similar to what some of my rats have been through. I wouldn't say blind but unable to smell is the problem. The cheerio being in front of her, never mind seeing it, the smell and whiskers should have made her know exactly where it was, made her grab it and eat it. But PT does cause a loss of the sense of smell and even the whiskers loses it's sensitivity to touch.
It could also have been a type of stroke, one that made her bolt and panic in the midst of it.
She's an old girl and at the right age for these things to happen. The fact that she is getting all these mammary tumours would suggest to me that she must be developing PT as well as both are fed from the same source.

I was hoping you wouldn't say that... she does seem to have her sense of smell though, she was sniffing everything yesterday when we tried to give her meds and check her out and that's how she noticed the block. I checked on her a few minutes ago and she is sleeping with her eye open (?) but doesn't seem distressed.
Would you say she seems confused as to where the food is? That's how I describe early symptoms of PT, my vet describes it as loss of the sense of smell. For me it seems more confusion.
No, she seems to be confused like trying to figure out where she is. I know the confusion that goes along with PT and what it looks like, this is different. Her nose is up in the air and she is trying to identify her surroundings, it's not that she can't find the food but seems uninterested in it. Last night when I picked her up from her hiding place she seemed surprised, even though I had been calling her, (she usually comes when called) then when we had her on the bed she was trembling. It's not like her at all. Even now when I sneak up to the cage to check on her all of the other rats stir when they see me walking by but she does not seem to see or hear me but she seems alert if that makes sense. I have an appointment this afternoon, we'll see what the vet thinks. Should I call back and say it's an emergency? Could Prednisone a few hours earlier help at this point. It was probably at 11:30 last night (11 hours ago) that she freaked out?
I wouldn't think it's an emergency... a few hours wouldn't make much of a difference in my opinion. All depending on what it was though.
She sounds like Eli when he was adjusting to his total blindness...even now he always has his nose in the air, his ears twitching as he tries to figure out where I am so he can get to me, etc. Talk to her, blow on her skin and then gently touch her back as to not startle her and let her know you are picking her up.

Poor wee one. I also don't think its going to make a difference with a few hours.
Definitely neurological - whether stroke or tumor is hard to say. Strokes can theoretically be tiny - humans can have several mini-strokes before symptoms become visible, and even then it might just be one of the usual problem sites (so visual, or verbal, or some tiny motor control issue, rather than all of them).
Just got back from the vet. When I checked on Sophie at about noon today, she seemed to have improved and seemed to have her eyesight back (she was still swaying like she always does, but she could definitely see something) but was still not 100%. Of course by the time we see the vet for our 3:40 appointment, she was perfectly fine. The vet thinks she had a one time event - like a stroke or a brain hemorrhage - that was minor enough that it cleared up on it's own. He suspects a stroke and suggested I give her Metacam for 3 days to make sure the blood clot is totally cleared.

Her five tumours are all still growing but they are not bothering her and her heart and lungs both sounded good. She was so happy at the vet today, she got to see her other mom (who usually meets us at the vet for any appointments) and got lots of cuddles and scritches from everyone. I already cut out all junk food (added sugar, salt, bad fats) from her diet, so I don't know how much more I can do on my end, but I am very happy nonetheless that she still has some time with us.

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