Well-Known Member
I just got home about 20min ago and there was a cat in the hallway outside our door, we live in an apartment complex. It had a recent lion cut from the groomer and had quite the gut and was super friendly so I knew he was well taken care of but since it's so hot I left a bowl of water out and he's been hanging out outside our door ever since lol
Anyways thats not the real problem! Went over to say hi to the ratties and none of them came out to say hi to me as usual. This is especially unusual for Rosie who is normally in your face every second, happy as can be. I've been medicating them with doxy for about two weeks for URI's. Rupert the hairless had it real bad most likely myco the vet said and I treated 5 of 6 because most of them were showing some signs of a minor URI and they're living in the same cage as him anyway. So Rosie had a slight congestion sound in her breathing the last few weeks but nothing serious and she's always been perky as can be, eats well and everything.
Well when she finally came out she was slow and scared looking and her head was tilting to one side! :sad3: Then I looked at Rupert and his head was slightly tilted too. Rosie was wide eyed and hiding which is NOTHING like her. The other 4 seem a little spooked too but mostly themselves.
So I don't know what is going on here? The head tilts seem minor but they're there so I took some pics...
I was wondering if their behavior had anything to do with the cat outside our door, they've never met a cat before, maybe they can smell it? Do you think the head tilt and behavior are related? I don't see how they could be? I'm really worried about them. What should I do/ watch for? Anybody experienced anything like this? Sorry if I seem to be overreacting but my gut is telling me something is up weather its just the cat or if its medical. Thanks in advance!
Anyways thats not the real problem! Went over to say hi to the ratties and none of them came out to say hi to me as usual. This is especially unusual for Rosie who is normally in your face every second, happy as can be. I've been medicating them with doxy for about two weeks for URI's. Rupert the hairless had it real bad most likely myco the vet said and I treated 5 of 6 because most of them were showing some signs of a minor URI and they're living in the same cage as him anyway. So Rosie had a slight congestion sound in her breathing the last few weeks but nothing serious and she's always been perky as can be, eats well and everything.
Well when she finally came out she was slow and scared looking and her head was tilting to one side! :sad3: Then I looked at Rupert and his head was slightly tilted too. Rosie was wide eyed and hiding which is NOTHING like her. The other 4 seem a little spooked too but mostly themselves.
So I don't know what is going on here? The head tilts seem minor but they're there so I took some pics...


I was wondering if their behavior had anything to do with the cat outside our door, they've never met a cat before, maybe they can smell it? Do you think the head tilt and behavior are related? I don't see how they could be? I'm really worried about them. What should I do/ watch for? Anybody experienced anything like this? Sorry if I seem to be overreacting but my gut is telling me something is up weather its just the cat or if its medical. Thanks in advance!