Smokey - back from the vet

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
Prince Edward Island
I hate to be bothering you guys again with yet another one of my rats, but Smokey is not doing too good today.

His breathing sounds clear but he's definitely breathing faster than usual. He is also really sleepy and has no energy. He will eagerly drink some Ensure but didn't seem to interested to eat a cheerio.

Here are a couple of videos of his breathing. On a normal day, he would never settle for cuddles. He'd be exploring my computer desk for the 100th time.

I've been reading a bit in the Rat Health Care booklet by Debbie Ducommun and I was wondering if it could be a Congestive Heart Failure?
It says this: "Symptoms of heart failure in rats can vary greatly, and can include wheezing, labored breathing and dark toenails, although these symptoms can also be caused by respiratory disease. Pressure on the heart can cause the chest to feel hard when squeezed, although emphysema, massive lung abscesses and chest tumors can also cause this.
Symptoms that seem more specific of heart failure include weakness or tiredness, trouble breathing on exertion, and edema (puffy skin) in the belly skin. Unlike in other animals, heart failure in rats rarely seems to cause ascites (fluid in the abdomen). Heart failure can also change the way a rat perceives tastes, so the rat is hungry, but will only eat a bite or two of a food before pushing it away."

Now, I didn't really check his belly. I can say that he has lost a lot of weight lately, though. I tried to fatten him up with hard boiled egg white yesterday.

I'm just throwing an idea out there as to what it could be.

Could it just be old age? Could it just be his last days with me? :sad3:

He has an appointment Wednesday to the vet. *cringes*
Hopefully she will be helpful...
That looks like pneumonia to me or a severe respiratory infection. Heart issues usually involve cold extremities or rats running out of steam after short busts of playing. I have had many rats where their breathing sounded clear but they had a URI or pneumonia. You can try steaming him to see if it helps, otherwise keep him hydrated and comfy until you can get him to the vet.
I find him a little cooler than normal, actually. He also produces like no porph at all. (He never does)
And he does nothing but sleep all day. :(
He's already had an URI when he was younger, but I could actually hear it and he was still full of energy..

I'll just have to see what the vet has to say..
I would suggest trying meds such as baytril + doxy and baytril + zithro.
Lasix will be needed if there is fluid accumulating in his lungs.

If the med combos for respir do not start to help within a few days, then try benazepril to see if he has a heart problem.
If it helps then atenolol is added.

Zithro, benazepril and atenolol are by prescription from the drug store (suggest shoppers as they hae formulas and know how long they are good for)
Did I ever have to fight for that vet to get the meds I needed. I'm so frustrated. she was saying how her book didn't have doses for the meds I was asking for and it's dangerous for rats, and blabla.. I was there for over an hour... and she didn't give two craps about my Rat Health Care booklet.

I ended up coming home with a 100g tablet of doxy and some Clavamox (for Deno's ear infection - see other thread)

what's the right dosage for Doxy for a 500g rat (he lost weight :( )? Is the Baytril dosage going to stay the same, even with the Doxy added?

The rat health care booklet says: "A 100mg capsule contains 40 1-lb doses. To make the dose 0.3ml/lb, mix one capsule with 12 ml of flavoring. (40 X 0.3 = 12 ml) To make the dose 0.1ml/lb, mix the capsule with 5ml of flavoring."

What kind of flavoring should I use?
Oh, and is FerretRx safe to use with those antibiotics... I picked it up just because I read about it in the Rat Health Care booklet... it says it's safe to use with antibiotics (on the bottle) but I just want to know if some of you guys have ever used it.
Next time give her printouts from ratguide (make sure to print up the references page as well, just click on one of the citation numbers), they cite their sources from veterinary books so they are more likely to take it serious.

Watered down strawberry syrup works well.

What is in ferretrx?
I will do that next time, thanks!

FerretRx ingredients: Balsam, Camphor USP, oil (of) Origanum, Oil (of) Rosemary, corn oil

As for the dose... how do I prepare the tablet and what is the dose in liquid? :s
100mg doxy, crushed up, in 10cc of liquid makes 10mg/ml doxy. For 2.5mg you would need .25CC of the liquid. They gave you or you have a 1cc syringe, right?
Drug stores sell pill crushers.

I use water + strawberry quik for my liquid but drug stores will sell orasweet which is better for using to mix up meds.
No, but mixes are usually good for 14 days or less.

I have several rats on doxy + baytril right now.
100 mg capsules (much easier as no pills to grind) and each gets 1/20 of a capsule.
I mix it in 2 ml and then each gets 0.1 ml.
It gets used up pretty fast.
Smokey wont eat or drink anything... I tried baby food, mush, ensure and even cheese as a last resort (he usually can't resist cheese).
I tried to give him water, but he wont take it either.
Giving him meds earlier was such a challenge, even with strawberry nesquik.. he simply refused...

Do a pinch test..if his skin stays together and don't spring back into shape then he is likely dehydrated. I ussually find when they wont eat or drink that is the problem. I mix the nesquik with. Water and a touch of salt. I puy it in a syringe ange make the drink it usually I have to force it at first either by just squirting it in their mouth or by a finger drip.

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