Hey guys my rat brownie just got back from the vet for a possible pituitary tumor. She has been prescribed metacam and an antibiotic as well as been given critical care food. I wanted to give her a more rat suitable diet for her recovery so I was thinking ensure, eggs, meat and veg baby food, and mushy oxbow. Any other suggestions?
She won't take water in on its own but she did get a fluid shot over 12 hours ago and we're watching her hydration levels. I made an electrolyte mix that I'm going to add to her Ensure to help entice her to drink which I'm thinking shouldn't cause a problem?
And lastly, can she be given children's liquid advil as well as the metacam or would that be too much on her little system? Thank you.
She won't take water in on its own but she did get a fluid shot over 12 hours ago and we're watching her hydration levels. I made an electrolyte mix that I'm going to add to her Ensure to help entice her to drink which I'm thinking shouldn't cause a problem?
And lastly, can she be given children's liquid advil as well as the metacam or would that be too much on her little system? Thank you.