Shriveled testicles - HELP!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2008
Liverpool, UK
Okay, I put Mako back on Baytril and Doxy, exactly like before, but I checked on him this morning and he actually seemed brighter than yesterday...I picked him out of the cage to readminister his meds, when i noticed his nads, which were small to begin with, had shriveled right up! What the hell does this mean!? I'm terrified it's something serious-I can't get him to a vet til tomorrow, and he seems better in himself than he was yesterday..
I had a feel to make sure they weren't like, hard or dried up and they're still soft and squishy...and actually filled back out, but very very small...anyone have any idea what this is?
i know rats can kind of pull them in if they get scared, but i've never personally experienced it and never actually seen it before :?

hope someone else can help :?
Yes, sometimes the testicles can "retract" and then go back to normal. Have you checked his tummy, near his penis, if there are no big lumps there, then I wouldn't be worried.
How old is he? Elderly ratties' torpedos will shrivel up...but you see that happen more gradual (my 33 month old boy barely has them's just the skin where they once were).

Also, dehydration might be a factor. Have you tried pinching the skin between his shoulders and pulling it up a bit, then seeing how quickly it goes back?
Well he's only about 9 months old and they were small anyway. I checked again and they're not like...shrivelled anymore, just very tucked in. Dehydration is a possibility with the four other boys being the crazy boisterous things they are, I'll do the shoulder pinch and offer him some water myself.

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