Should I be concerned?

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Mar 20, 2013
United States
Right now I'm trying to sleep and a moment ago my 6-month old boys were messing around. I heard a lower pitched squeak so I turned the light on and one was on his back. The squeaking had stopped by then and when I made noise they looked right at me and stopped. Now they're both eating peacefully. I often catch them grooming one another but I never really catch them doing that. I know rats like to play, but should I be concerned about fighting? I've read stuff online about dominance fighting, could that be it? I just don't want them to get hurt.
Mine do that too I've never had one hurt the other it's just in protest like hey I don't like that and the other being like too bad I'm king of the mountain lalalala.... Kidding but it's most likely playing and/or them trying to develop a pecking order who the biggest rat is if the are doing fine like eating together I wouldn't worry to much about it. No blood no foul :)
That is very normal! You should only be worried if there is blood drawn. Like Ace said; no blood, no foul! It could be just playing, or it could be dominance fighting, but either way it is normal and part of a ratty life.
It is extremely normal although watch out for puffiness or bruxing while play fighting or butt rubbing as i call it which is when they will start walking sideways to get the other rat with their butt or side while puffy. In my experience those are signs of "I really don't like you and I'm not playing" signs, but I've only seen those signs together, those signs on their own can mean very different things. Just watch for blood.

At 6months and if you bought them together they are almost always playing. My vet has told me of one (and only one) incident where 2 brothers all of a sudden just started fighting for real the solution was to neuter one of them. My last rat Fin was aggressive at times with his brother Rolo, and would have cuts and scratches all over him but never anything major, and they would always cuddle in the cage together. Just think of real siblings, nothing is ever intentional (well maybe sometimes) and bumps and scrapes will happen.

So just watch for major bleeding but almost always its just playing.

Hope this helps!
Don't worry at all, just observe for over dominance throughout the day just incase one has some temper issues. Although I highly suspect this just being normal horse play.

I intro'd a 8 week old to a 1 year old, both males and they were both power grooming each other and rolling each other over with intermittent squeeks. The first few nights had me worried but I came to understand it's just a natural thing. They are now the same size and half a year older with no issues towards one an other and have never bitten/drew blood while play fighting.

Good luck, figure they should be fine as it's been almost a week since you posted!

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