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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Dusty seems to be feeling a bit off tonight. He is shivering. Just off and on, not constant, and he isn't cold FEELING to me or extremely hot (fever) feeling. Thoughts?
The kind of shivering the ratties do when younger, it's a full body shiver, not just like a rear end shiver, that usually means a slight fear/excitement.

It's almost unnoticeable spasms in the middle/back of an older rat.
Jo and I were talking about this last night, I just never got around to posting. I recalled that earlier in the evening when I was cleaning cages he was sitting up on his top shelf looking a bit confused as if he didn't know how to get down. Other that than I hadn't thought of anything else. Today he seems to be ok, was at the door waiting for breakfast and I watched him eat, he's still holding his food ok and eating. Will be watching him.
Talked to the vet. She said to give him a large dose of pred today and tomorrow (1 mg once a day for two days to be specific) as she thinks that the ear infection may have moved to the outer ear and could be causing inflammation around the laryngeal nerve, which could be causing the shivering/tremors down his back. She said that she has seen rats have ear infections and it sometimes does appear to cause confusion. We'll see if the pred helps. I'm concerned about the big dosage but I trul trust this vet and I know that she knows what she is talking about.

Your vet sounds very knowledgeable, so I would too trust her.
I sure hope this will help Dusty, even if it's only to make him more comfortable, they certainly deserve it.

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