So I needed to clean the girls cage today...I took Sebastian out in the cat carrier and carried the girls cage out to the dining room with him. I put the girls on the table with him and the cat carrier. None of them would come out. I said ok, after i got the cage clean I set the cage up there...of course all the life snapped back into them.
Oh a cage! Happy Rat..
Sebastian checking out then enemy rats.
So they had about 45 minutes on the table. I wanted to see what I was going to be dealing with as far as his attitude so i put the cage up. I know rats dont show their true colors till a good cage or hidey house is involved. Nothing....he has done not one thing lol I left them out on a table for a while, then I moved the cage closed to the floor of the rat room. I left them there while I cleaned up the mess i made from cleaning their cage. I was going to take him out and put him back in his cage but they were so quiet, i just left him. That was about 4 hours ago
Here they are right now.. The girls have a no boys allowed sign up in their hammock, he tries to get in it, they squeak LOL he walks away..
I am sitting here watching them, and I see him pinning Choxi, and grooming her. I knew that would happen Choxi is a wanna be alpha...
Choxi Left, Sebastian right
I am more comfortable with them being around each other. I am not comfortable enough to let them stay together. I will most likely put him back in his cage since i have to work tomorrow and I dont do new move in's unless I can watch them closely. I think tomorrow I will take the whole cage out again, introduce him to it in a scary room again, then bring them back in here after an hour or so.
I hate this cage in so many way. every time I clean it, I cuss it out. I swear back to the garage it goes soon LOL