Samantha has some kind of fungal infection

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Aug 25, 2009
La Crosse Wi USA
About 2 months ago we got female stray rat into our shelter. She was thin and had what looked like a small red mark on the right side of her neck. We observed her for a week or so and determined that it most likely was a tiny scab from an injury ( she was found outside)
She then developed a respiratory infection and I took her home for several weeks of treatment with doxcycline and ciprofloxicin (this vet clinic doesn't use baytril for rats). 1 week later the URI reappeared and she was placed back on the meds for a total month with good results.
In the interim period I have adopted her. I was handling her today and noticed that under her fur on both sides of her neck and on her face are red lesions that look sort of like a fungus.
I am now thinking that the initial red spot we saw several months ago was some kind of fungal infection that remained inactive until now
I will make an appointment tomorrow for her but am wondering if anyone else has any experiences with skin condition of this kind with their rats. I am hoping that this is not ringworm.
ringworm is normally on the back in one big ring...pyoderma can be anywhere.

A picture would really really help. We assume she was treated for ectoparasites already?
angieluv said:
I took 2 ( not really too good) pics that I have been trying for an hour to post on this forum from photobucket but cannot do it???

you uploaded to Photobucket already? Click onthe link with the image tags already embedded, I think its the bottom of the 4 options for the picture.
They do look like they could be advanced mite scabbing to me, and revolution would certainly help. But some members who have seen more than me may want to weigh in.
Thanks a lot
:) I am holding her right now while the Revolution dries.
I need to learn a lot more about rats; I am really getting into them... but my expertise is rabbits.

I will give updates on her progress.
Thanks again
Stick around and in no time at all, you'll be an old pro busting with rattie knowledge. :thumbup:
Ok it is almost 2 weeks since I applied the Revolution and held her to make sure that it had dried. I am certain that I gave the correct dose.
Within about 2 days of applying the Revolution the lesions changed in appearance and began to look like larger scabs instead of lesions. I was thinking that the mites had died and that the scabs were just the skin healing over.
Within the past week I am now thinking that the Revolution did not work as she looks really terrible with scabs up and down both sides of her neck and I have also seen her scratching herself.
I do not have a really rat saavy vet but "sort of know some things " which of course means that she knows a little but not everything.
Samantha's problem does look like mites because I have looked at other pics since I last posted.
I hesitiated taking her to the vet because I don't want her overdosed on antiparasitics and I wanted to give the Revolution a chance.
I am perlexed because i have read that Revolution is really good for mites and usually needs to be applied only once. ??
I am fairly sure that the vet will want to do ivermectin injections and i have read that this is dangerous..any suggestions here
should I do another application of Revolution or is that dangerous? Any other suggestions.
My vet will say that Revolution is off label for rats and maybe it is but it is also the drug of choice for mites in rabbits and off label for them also. I have used it a lot on rabbits.
Thanks everyone
The revolution works for 30 days, so if you're still seeing bad scabbing, sounds like something else is definitely up.
It has happened to me where Revolution didn't work and I had to switch to Ivermectin. At the time I figured it was because I had bought it online. Give it another week to see if she gets better, then go for the Ivermectin.
An injection of ivermectin is not dangerous, all it may happen is a slight burning at the site of injection but it's not a common occurrence.

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