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May 26, 2012
Behind my computer
Hello all, I have a squirrel, but I'm coming here for help because we squirrel owners use rat protocol for our guys. A little background, this squirrel was in my backyard and was having all kinds of problems and had a big hump on his back. I'm a huge animal lover and I couldn't just watch him starve, so I spent 3 weeks and finally caught him. He was about 9 months old at the time. X-rays showed a previously broken back which explained why he couldn't jump, but he could climb and run just fine. So we decided to keep him. He tamed up very nicely and is just a snuggle bunny. We've had him for almost 2 years now and he's been very stable up until about the end of June. He eats HT 2014 blocks and healthy veggies and gets all kinds of love and attention. He's always had some neuro tendencies, a slight head bob and a little wobbly sometimes, but other than that, very healthy. Great qualify of life. So this last June, he started dragging his right front leg. The vet said that he definately has neuro issues, but thought the leg might be injury related either to the leg or the spine, so we treated with metacam and it got somewhat better, but not a complete recovery. Then about the first of August, he started being SUPER active and his appetite decreased signficantly. He weighed about 840g at that time. Since then he's down to about 760g. He's still eating, but not nearly as much. Now he's developed weakness in his back right leg and drags it slightly. I had the vet come out again and he said it's definately neurological. He checked his eyes and his left pupil doesn't dialate at all while the right one does, so that explains the right side of the body issues. So he said something is going on in his brain, the question is what? He's about 2.5 years old now (captive squirrels can live to 15 years old) so he said a brain tumor was possible, but not likely at his age. He said that he's more concerned about a possible central nervous system bacterial infection or even Toxoplasma (parasite that can invade the brain). He said that he could have been exposed to it as a youngster in the wild and laid dormant or just took a while to get to this state. So we are treating with Sulfatrim and Ponazuril. In the meantime, I'm wondering if any of you can recommend a natural appetite stimulant to help him eat better. He's so restless and runs circles in his cage, just can't seem to settle down for long, VERY out of character for him. So this morning I resorted to some Rescue Remedy in attempt to calm him somewhat. Any suggestions to any of this anyone? Thank you for your help.
Could he have a pituitary tumour? Would prednisone help? Pred is also suppose to increase appetite. Do you think his increased activity might be due to him dealing with pain?
I'm so sorry you are going through this with your little guy.
I supposed it could be a tumor, but the vet didn't think so. There's really no way to know. Would his activity level increase with pain? I would have thought it would decrease? He doesn't appear to be in pain. Thank you so much for your reply.
Pituitary tumours in rats make them act out of character sometimes. But no, he shouldn't have an increase in energy with pain unless it's actually panic attacks.
Have you had a flotation fecal microscopic exam performed? I strongly recommend fecal exams every time a bird or mammal has problems, because this may reveal the cause. I am with a wildlife rehabilitation and release organization, and we routinely perform these exams. Coccidia is present in many of our sick or "strangely acting" critters. In this case, we administer Ponazuril to kill the coccidia.
If you need him to calm down, the natural thing that causes that is poppy seed. if it's safe for squirrles. All that's come to mind. :[

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