Rylee and his lump = bone cancer. :(

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Loving rats since 2002.
Jul 20, 2007
Northeastern Ontario
Rylee saw the vet today, he has a suspicious looking mass growing on his back. I could feel it that this was going to be very bad news.

The vet can feel the tumour going deep in, it's probably affected one rib, a second as well as his vertebrae. She can feel the tumour spreading into the body. She's pretty sure it's malignant, and chance of recurrence is quite high. Surgery will cost between $300 to $700. This tumour is very similar to what mamarat's Sam went through, he had something similar, it was malignant and came back with a vengence, he was gone 2 months later.

I don't know what to do... Rylee is otherwise in top health, excellent lung sounds, 18 months old, neutered and so sweet.
I'm so sad.
Oh, Jo I am so sorry.

Sam's story is the exact same story as My Rose's. I wish I would have left the tumor alone and just did the very best for her until the very end, but I had it removed and it came back with a vengence it is almost like the removal tells the cancer cells to multiplie in order to survive and they go into overdrive. Rose was only 18 months and a month after the removal I had to let her go. I know this is not encouraging but if I were you and he is not having any problems now I would leave it alone and give him the best life you can until you know it is time.
aww that's such sad news about Rylee. It's hard to make those types of decisions I'm sure you'll know what to do though. Hugs to him and you. :hugs:
Thanks everyone... this one's really hard. I've decided to go with exploratory surgery. I want to at least see if there's anything that can be done. I told my vet to open him up, check to see if it's simple, if not close him up quick and I'll give him the best life possible for whatever time he has with me. He's going in tomorrow morning.
Please send some good luck his way. :heart:
We are back! Rylee came through fine, he's still not happy, who would be with a large incision on his back. The tumour was pretty much encapsulated, meaning, it did not spread to other organs, (thank god) the only real problem was that it went through his spine. The ribs are not affected at all like what she first thought. She didn't get it all, she's pretty sure there's still some left in his spine, she scraped as best she could without causing damage. We did decide to send it away for analysis. I want to know what we are dealing with especially since I have his brothers and it would be good for Shelley to know as well for mom and sisters.
It's actually a good thing we went in to get it out. The internally, the tumour was pressing on the stomach and pushing the kidneys away from it's natural spot in the body, it was also bleeding. Rylee would not have lasted much longer with that thing in him.
I'm praying so hard that it comes back benign with little chance of recurrence.
I'm going to stay optimistic for Rylee.
jorats said:
How long does it take for the verdict to come back?

I think it's one to two weeks. I'll be doing a lot of pacing.

I'll be joining you. I have heard good things about even partial removals...gives them longer. We usually think "all or nothing" but it doesn't always have to be that way.

Gentle kiss to Rylee from me? :heart: His Aunties couldn't be bothered to even inquire about him. :roll:

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