ripped toe nail - Bleeding stopped

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Cleveland, England
Patrick has managed to rip one of his toe nails on his front left foot :doh: It isn't completely off, but it looks like it has been bleeding a fair bit. The end of it is black and has a lot of crusted blood on, and the rest of the nail has gone a very dark orange colour (looks almost bruised), and the tip of his toe is very red (not blood, just sore looking).

I have never come across this before with a rat, and i have no idea how he did it. Is there anything i need to do or do i just leave it?
He has just been on the carpet and now he is bleeding all over my boyfriend. We have tried to stand him in some flour because thats the ONLY thing i can think of. There is blood all over ><
Keep him on soft things until that heals a bit and clots. These things happen with our rats, and flour albeit messy can be effective. Carpet is too rough on newly injured toes.

Cuddles to your man.
Ugh, the first rat blood i've experienced lol. Thats a heck of a lot of blood for one tiny little wound. My kitchen, my boyfriend, myself and Patrick are all covered in flour now haha! My boyfriend was holding him and his hands are covered in blood too.

We have put Patrick in his carry box to try and get it to clot so he doesnt jump around all crazy like. He was chattering like mad and letting us know he was NOT impressed with being made to stand on a plate that was covered in flour. We noticed his toe when i got him out 5 minutes ago... i sat on the couch, he jumped off and ran to the other couch my boyfriend was sat on, my boyfriend picked him up and went "um, i think he is bleeding".

His toe nail is hanging off. My boyfriend touched it and the nail lifted and i almost threw up. If he pulls it off, which he probably will, i will be prepared lol
Ah, we figured out how he has done it. He was being an idiot last night and bouncing, puffing, and being a general jerk towards Sid last night who was in his cage. We think it's either gotten caught in the carpet, or in the bars of the cage. Theres a chance Sid could have done it, but i really doubt it.

I'm putting a complaint in about my previous landlord and could possibly end up taking him to court or sueing him for breach of contract regarding my deposit.. as SOON as it comes in, mr.Patrick is going in for a little snip snip. I can't wait!!

:sad3: :sad3: :sad3:

I haven't been able to see if his little 'thumb' stub is damaged aswell. His whole little tiny toe is swollen and BOY is he feeling sorry for himself. I was taking that pic and he sat at the side of the cage, puffed up, with big sad puppy dog eyes, and held his foot in the air. He was also trying to chase some food down his ramp using only his mouth and one foot

poor guy :cry3:

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