With him it doesnt matter if it is one finger, a hand or a foot. He dont like any touch. That was to show how bad his trigger is. I tried to pick him up and he arches his back and turns on you. I cannot safely put a whole hand there to pet him with an ipad in my hand. He was angry long before I video'd it. I was trying for 10 mintues to get him in the cage before. No matter what touched him, he was puffing up. I picked up the door to get him out of it, and when I give up and put the door back down, he would trip out and turn on it. I usually pet his head with one finger but he wants no part of it when he gets angry. His trigger if seriously from his neck down. I can watch one finger around him but havign them all out is just giving him a target for him to attack. He shouldnt be a "touch me not" he is though. His hormones make him so angry that he just ends up puffy up with one touch.
He hasnt bitten me yet and I plan on keeping it that way. I know one day. I will be able to touch him safely which is what i am trying to show. The difference from now with his hormonal self and when I can touch him all day long. What is used only matters when a rat is hormonal. Which isnt normal for them. We all know hormonal boys are crazy.