Put him on aminoglycoside and fluoroquinolone together as a combo drug therapy for several weeks.
gentamycin and baytril / amikacin and baytril / tobramycin and baytril. The Aminoglycosides have to be nebulized or injected. If nebulized - 1cc medication to 3cc of saline. Previous advice I received from the forums on nebulization dosages were too low, unfortunately.
Ciiprofloxacin is also a fluoroquinolone and is indicated to be more effective in some strains of Pseudomonas aerouginosa.
If you can afford it, get some culture swabs done. It will make a huge difference in moving forward with an effective treatment plan.
Long story short here is that I used to do rat rescue and was scratching my head at the various respiratory ailments. Myco was only one thing going on - it was evident that other bacterias were affecting them. Spent a fortune on vet bills, meds, received amazing advice from the forums, and in the end was fairly knowledgeable and traumatized, and swore to never get a rat again.
Always had pigs and started doing pig rescue. Several pigs arrived from several shelters etc. and damn if the same symptoms weren't appearing in the pigs. Took two in for swabs and it came back with four different respiratory ailments. However, the common thread in curing or controlling most of them was aminoglycoside or fluoroquinolone. Some were good with Amoxicillin, but pigs can't have penicillin meds. But, I came across a study that showed that combo therapy of aminoglycoside and fluoroquinolone negated the bacteria to zero in a matter of hours. However, Pseudomonas aerouginosa is drug resistant and requires treatment for six weeks if you hope to beat it.
Before I did the testing, my pigs responded to baytril, but would become ill when the therapy stopped. Turns out Ciprofloxacin was more effective in two of the four strains of pneumonia. Also, with aminoglycoside, one has to be careful about not creating a super bug. So no missed doses and make sure the meds are given in sufficient doses. Also, the fear of kidney damage isn't really an issue with rats & pigs. It certainly is with dogs & cats, but aminoglycosides clear the system in rats and guinea pigs in two hours. I have my pigs watermelon during & post treatment and didn't have any issues whatsoever, even though I had them on gentamycin for six weeks.
I have Amikacin and Tobermycin here too and they were effective in some pigs, but not others. Amikacin is an extremely expensive old-school drug. I have several vials here because I had to buy a box. Tobermycin is used in cystic fibrosis patients and appears to be safer than Gentamycin and Amikacin.
I'll dig up the studies and post them here. but if you can afford to get a nasal swab done (two types) - nares and orophayngeal -- you will know what path to follow. I did days of research and now feel confident in how to approach these respiratory ailments. In fact - I adopted to male blues this weekend