Really Not Fair! Poor Dusa! HOME :D

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
I have emailed my vet asking if we should euthanize or is there a possibility of an e-spay? :emb: :gaah: :panic:

Looks like the poor lass has either a prolapsed uterus, a tumour or polyp protruding from out of her vagina. This is NOT good, and could very well mean the end for our lovely Second Chance girl. :(

I am soooo upset! She's bouncing around the bed right now... :sad3:
That really sucks. Seems like this stuff always happens on the weekend too when it's harder to get a hold of a vet. Hoping she'll be ok.
Just got this email...start praying to the rat gods!!!

Hi Shelagh,
You can drop her off tomorrow. I'll be there in the morning to check her in.
See you tomorrow,

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