thanks. well she's acting like she's just fine, had a great time during free range time today, running and exploring, and stealing my papers from me (I was trying to do the budget for the next couple of months) LOL
she looks like she *might* be losing weight, but she's eating and drinking normally.
I'll get her on the scale tonight when I take them out for their midnight romp and get a weight on her, heck I probably should get a weight on all of them and keep it updated weekly or so.
the lump is now looking a lot rounder, rather than the way it did before, it's come up higher and you can see more of it, and it's actually looking like it's smaller in total area than I thought before, when it seemed like most of it was under her skin.......
er I'll try to get a photo, but to me, it's looking more like an abscess, which would be wonderful news at this point!
do you think I should put her on an antibiotic just in case?
I can pick some up on Tuesday when I take my cats in- the vet won't be there but she put up a prescription for TMZ/ bactrim if I wanted/needed it.