I just noticed today, I don't think she was like that a week ago because I would have noticed. I can't be sure though, I don't remember the last time I took her out and actually inspected her. She doesn't like to come out.
as lilspaz68 mentioned in her link, the treatment is revolution from the vet
the ampunt given is based on weight and is basically a tiny drop on the back of the neck.
All of your ratties will need to be treated. It will be good for 4 weeks and usually one treatment is enough http://ratguide.com/meds/anti-infectives/selamectin_revolution.php
Hey guys, if you drop some revolution on the back of rattie's neck, is there any concern that they will lick it off when grooming themselves and poison themselves? Will placing a tiny drop on their neck help alleviate symptoms in another area of the body, like their sides?
Please see the link Medication Guide: Selamectin / Revolution
Amount of medication given is always based on the strength of the med and the weight of the rat …. as well as the dose.
Revolution works the same as it does in cats .... the correct amount (with rats a very tiny drop which can be calculated and measured out with a 1 ml syringe) is placed on the skin at the base of the back of the neck and once dried it is safe
The above link is from a vet approved, medical site for rat owners. It provides info, including dose, and how to administer the medication