rats... Arthritis?!

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2009
Ottawa ON, Canada
After an insanely hectic day/morning... dropping rats off at the vet, waiting anxiously, etc etc (have to explain all that in a different thread... but if all goes to plan, first spay ever should be tomorrow!), got home and noticed that Petit Chef hadn't eaten much and wasn't responding excitedly to me coming in the room.

Pulled him out and noticed that BOTH his hind feet were very swollen and he would not put ANY weight on them. He wouldn't even let me touch his lower body. I had no metacam on hand... so I ended up setting a last minute appointment and taking him to the vet.

The vet noticed that he could feel Petit Chef's feet itself without hurting him... so he wanted to take some x-rays. Apparently THOSE showed that Petit Chef had arthritis?! In like... his hips and ankles? And it's caused by an infection?! Something about infection causing inflammation in or around some sort of bone/membrane. Gah. I was too tired to understand what he was explaining...

Either way, my vet sent me home with Metacam, Baytril... and a hefty bill. *sigh*

He also injected Petit Chef (I think with a pain killer)... cause Petit Chef spruced up enough to eat 2 lab blocks, hobble around on my bed about an hour later.

I'm just not understanding how an infection causes arthritis? And how can you see that on an x-ray? Also... I had 1 other concern... which is that Petit Chef's tail looks almost SCALY because the skin seems raised and dry. I don't know if it's a symptom of the infection? or something else? The vet mentioned it is probably because he's been in too much pain probably most of the night and that whole day to get up and drink... so it's caused by dehydration.

I'm tired... and still worried... and just want to know from the experts... does that seem right to you? Should I be concerned? Has anyone encountered this before?

Sorry it's so rambling...

p.s. Can't sleep because Petit Chef's in my pillow case... and I kept waking up freaking out about the dehydration thing and offering him water... :sad3:
Is it an infection of the tissue (cellulitis)? I'm not sure that it would cause arthritis but I know it can be very painful and I think an antibiotic like Clavamox or Chlorpalm is preferred over Baytril if that's the case. Not sure about the tail, a pic would help.

Good luck with your spays tomorrow!
From the get-go, I will not say I am an expert on rats, so I don't know if this rings true for them as well, however, this is the case in humans. Infections can cause arthritis, because the pus (a direct result of infections) gets right in between the joints, which may cause swelling, stiffness, etc.

It can happen very quickly, especially if the infection is not treated in time. If it's the same for rats, then I'm really glad you caught it in time! :3
Katzedecimal said:
I wonder if he's referring to gout? In humans, gout is a form of arthritis and causes great swelling and infection. Do rats get gout?

Their diet would have to be insanely incorrect, I'd think.

The xrays would show the inflammation around the joints. I don't see why it's impossible. Parvo virus in humans can cause short term arthritis post-infection. Hopefully his is something similar.

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