New Member
Hello all,
I have 3 1.5 year old boys and this has been a ROUGH week. Ash broke a foot so we have him on meds but now my typical big chonk Franklin is looking and feeling a bit…bony. They all have had myco on and off since they were 4 months and at this point are not responsive to antibiotics so everyone is sick and getting sicker. Franklin always had it the easiest, but today he looks so sad sitting by the door like he wants to come out but when I do take him out he nestles in my hair for a bit and then wants to go back to the cage. I did the skin pull test and he doesn’t seem dehydrated but I admit I haven’t seen him drink from the bottle in a couple days (though I could’ve missed it). His breathing isn’t clear but that isn’t new, and he’s had a small lump on one of his sides for a couple months that our vet didn’t take too much notice of when I mentioned it. I’ve been kind of waiting on a euth trip for all of them and now I’m so scared Franklin’s time is getting closer
I’m not sure when the vet will call back since I called with an update on a Sunday and exotic vets aren’t in every single day and I really just wanted somewhere to vent. My main vet told me I’ll know when it’s time for a euth trip, that they won’t be cleaning themselves and such and I hate to see them get like that. Though right now I’d say everyone’s quality of life is quite good aside from Franklin’s behavior today and last night. He did eat some baby food last night but no interest in grapes or even a piece of dog food which he usually goes crazy for this morning. I tried offering water in a dish and he’s only half heartedly lick a couple drops off a finger. Any tips on making him more comfortable while we wait? I tried making an extra cozy nest hideaway and he did check it out but he is glued to his spot by the door.
I have 3 1.5 year old boys and this has been a ROUGH week. Ash broke a foot so we have him on meds but now my typical big chonk Franklin is looking and feeling a bit…bony. They all have had myco on and off since they were 4 months and at this point are not responsive to antibiotics so everyone is sick and getting sicker. Franklin always had it the easiest, but today he looks so sad sitting by the door like he wants to come out but when I do take him out he nestles in my hair for a bit and then wants to go back to the cage. I did the skin pull test and he doesn’t seem dehydrated but I admit I haven’t seen him drink from the bottle in a couple days (though I could’ve missed it). His breathing isn’t clear but that isn’t new, and he’s had a small lump on one of his sides for a couple months that our vet didn’t take too much notice of when I mentioned it. I’ve been kind of waiting on a euth trip for all of them and now I’m so scared Franklin’s time is getting closer