Rat inner ear infection followed by eye removal :( help?

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And that is the dose for the stuff I just linked to? I'm hoping they have that in stock at the chemist near me, which I'll go to first thing in the morning. How much leeway is there with the dosage? (As the weight was part estimated), I'll grab some scales tomorrow to confirm first, but I don't want to OD him if he's less. :shock:

He's decided he can climb now too, and has started hanging from the bars of his cage. He couldn't even stand when he first went with the ear problem, so at least that's improved a lot. He does seem perky though. Is there anything I can get tomorrow to get some more weight on him quickly?
And yes, I have some capsules of tramadol. Brand name Zydol, box says they are 50mg capsules of tramadol hydrochloride.
Awesome!! you can give tramadol at the same time. The issue with ibu is it only lasts a short period of time, but for now that should work well. If you find he seems in more pain then we can add tramadol.

I dosed at 280 grams at 20 mg/kg (using the range of 10-30 mg/kg) I used a middle dose for such issues.
Great :D Thanks so much for all the help, I cannot tell you how grateful I am! I'll let you know how I get on tomorrow, fingers crossed he just heals up. I was looking through your posts about Eli and it looks very similar, though Geordie's doesn't seem quite as gross (yet :/...) so hopefully he'll heal up eventually, even if it does take a little longer than planned.
Geordie simply refuses to eat this stuff, tasted a bit myself and it's not as strawberry flavoured as they make out on the box, yuck. Had to syringe directly into his mouth, he doesn't like the syringe... but if he won't have it voluntarily he'll have to put up with it for a while. The eye now looks like it's definitely opened up - couldn't work it out before, but there's a tiny hole next to the yellow stuff, but it's dry today, no fluid leaking. There's not really any inflammation, but there is swelling still. Still no smell at all, but he does look at me like I'm nuts when I keep sniffing his eye :roll: Should I try cleaning this out with something? Or wait until it comes away? It looks a lot like what your Eli had that eventually came off to reveal the big cavity.
Just leave it, use the calpol for the swelling and any discomfort and the abs should prevent infection. Flushing it could add more nasty things inside and rats bodies are amazing at healing themselves :) Glad he's doing well :thumbup: :thumbup:
Okay, thanks again.
This forum is so friendly, I'm on all sorts for all my different animals and I never go on them anymore as they're all so cliquey and very quick to be mean opposed to helpful. So pleased I joined :D
Thank you :) I think he's improved loads. The yellow bit crusted over and looks like a normal scab now, and the swelling is pretty much gone completely. I will post a couple of pictures when he's done :) I think he hates me now though with all the medicating, but I've bought him a new hammock and made him some toys hoping he'll forgive me :)

Saying that though, is it wise to introduce him back into the group? I have 3 boisterous furry boys and 2 calmer hairless boys that he used to be the calm leader of... obviously he's been in a "hospital" cage but I hate seeing him sat on his own. His balance doesn't look like it'll ever be 100%, is it safe to even put him back into the huge cage? And how would I go about introducing them slowly if I did? (Never had problems before as I've only ever introduced baby boys to adult ones)
Start off with the 2 calm nakie boys and see how he does. he will need to get his bearings with only 1 eye, and boisterous is something to consider later on, especially if he has a head tilt.

soo happy to hear he's doing sooo much better. :dance:

Scab fell off, yum. The hole isn't eye sized though so it's closed a little. Do you think this will close over completely? Went back to the vets and they said to carry on with ibuprofen and baytril (pre-scab dropping off). It looks good though :)
That looks exactly like Eli's did...after the scab came off, it healed very fast with no help on my part beyond antibiotics and pain meds. It looks great!!! :joy: :bliss:
Lilspaz68 - Geordie sends you lots of ratty kisses. You were so helpful throughout the whole thing, and I don't think either of us would be this happy now without your help :)

I have been putting off intros for days, he's been sleeping more and not as active as he used to be since before all this happened, but I went in 2 days ago and he ran out of his hide and started popcorning all over the place and running around in a circle (thanks to the head tilt, this is his new excited dance :lol: I KNEW he felt better, so I decided to introduce him to a couple of baby boys (9 and 10 weeks, and they're already his size! He's such a tiny boy). He was not impressed, every time they barged into him to play he lost his balance and rolled on his back, and he was constantly squeaking - but the babies weren't harming him in any way, so I left them together and sat by them all night. I dozed off (oops) and when I went to check them, 2 of three cardboard boxes were empty, I panicked and instantly thought they must have killed each other :roll: but when I checked the last box I found this:


"Great, so I have my eye taken out, I walk funny, and now I have to put up with having *these* draped over my head?"


Slightly more comfortable :lol:

I'M SO HAPPY. These three are meeting the rest of the boys tomorrow, and going in the *proper* cage. This is a very nice Christmas present. And thank you, once again :D
What a wonderful wonderful update for your boy!!! I am THRILLED!! :bliss:

I would also like to nominate this picture for RPOM :heart: A big pink rat hat, and a smile :D


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