Rat has something wrong with its eye what can i do

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New Member
Sep 9, 2020
Louisville ky
is it like that on the other side too? it might be an eye infection... I really think you should take them to the vet if you can :(
is it like that on the other side too? it might be an eye infection... I really think you should take them to the vet if you can :(
Its only on one side I got her from the pet store like this they said she lost her eye to another rat and I have been trying to find a vet that will see rats I havent been able to find anyone who could near me so I'm trying to figure out what I could do myself
omg D: if you give me a general location do you want me to look for any vets at all? that looks really awful... for now I'd say just keep her comfortable and warm & maybe offer her some hydrating food if you can? I really hope someone can help that looks really awful... is she still eating/drinking?
the pic makes it look like an injury UNDER the eye but its only one picture. Is the eye normal? Does it smell when you sniff over it, is it the same size as the other eye, is it sticking out of the head more, is it cloudy or dry looking?