Rat gasping/choking 😥😥

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Aug 7, 2020
so my little buddy toki, about a year old, has been on medication for a respiratory problem, he has seemed to be improving little by little, I took him to the vet today to get some more of his medication, and she said he seems to be improving, but however tonight out of the blue, he started to gasp/choke 😰 I'm not sure how to deal with this situation, or how to help him in those times, and I really don't want to do anything to make it worse 😥

It's hard to say how long he did it for, as if I'm completely honest, I panicked 😥but I would say it was only for about thirty seconds

Any help would be appreciated, as I Am quite scared 😅😅
Is he okay now? If he was eating he might've just choked on his food - good luck, I really hope he's okay. You might wanna give him some dark chocolate to aid in breathing, but I'm not sure if that's the problem.
I agree with the choking on food. It looks pretty scary, but most work it out within a couple of hours. Hope he's feeling better now!
choking initially can look like gasping with a respiratory illness but the rat will ocasionally retch and open their mouth, push their head down and pull back their ears all at the same time. If they do this at all, its definitely choking, and because it only lasted for 30 seconds I am leaning heavily towards a mild choking episode.