Well-Known Member
I've been dealing with learning that Zoey has chronic kidney disease this week then yesterday I find a mammary tumor on Rosie!
Then, I'm getting ready for bed last night and I see my oldest guy Ralphie, (21months) having trouble breathing...I'm a total wreck right now and would so appreciate any help I can get...
I started him on azithromycin and doxy last night, and gave him some motrin around 6 or 7am when he still looked in distress and his sides were a little sunken in. I was going to steam him but he got too worked up (I think panicky from his breathing) when I took him out of the cage :sad3: I couldn't get out of work today because I've already left early twice this week and called out once last week for my girl Zoey's kidney issues :gaah: So currently, he just had a little more dark chocolate and he look's maybe a TINY bit more comfortable but is still using his abdominal muscles to breathe and his whole head moves a little when he breathes, it absolutely breaks my heart to watch him like this!
So, I can get him in to the vet for tomorrow but I'm not sure if I should bring him to the emergency vet tonight? I'm also not positive they'll be able to do much more for him then I can here. I need help! lol
My big questions are...
How can I tell if it's his heart vs respiratory, because he's always had URI problems, been overweight, I've noticed SOME weakness in his back legs but I'm not sure if it's just because of his size? I want to get some lasix tomorrow at the vet but will he be ok until then?
I also have albuteral I can give him but if it IS his heart will it help?
I can also give him SubQ fluids, this would be beneficial either way, correct? Because I have noticed a slight decrease in his water intake and appetite last night at veggie time he kept losing interest in the food and he would just take a nibble here and there and walk away which is VERY bizarre for him!
I'm running out to the pharmacy, is there anything else besides maybe ensure that I should I get, to get him through the night, that is if you don't think I should go to the ER vet?
Finally, I'm torn as to if I should separate him and Zoey from the rest of the pack? It's finally dawning on me that all these issues must have been brought on my the two new baby additions (Clementine and Clarabelle) to the crew, and I'm racked with guilt over the thought :sad3: I could split up the FN into a sort of seniors and juniors type situation but that would most likely mean separating Ralphie from Rosie who he's been with the longest, but who would be needed with the other girls :wallbang: And since they've all ALWAYS been together I don't know if separating them would backfire
anic: The babies can be quite annoying at times and I don't like to see them plow over him or Zoey when they're not feeling well, so I feel like I have to do SOMETHING???
I'm sorry for all the questions I'm just so overwhelmed and sick to my stomach over everything!
Then, I'm getting ready for bed last night and I see my oldest guy Ralphie, (21months) having trouble breathing...I'm a total wreck right now and would so appreciate any help I can get...
I started him on azithromycin and doxy last night, and gave him some motrin around 6 or 7am when he still looked in distress and his sides were a little sunken in. I was going to steam him but he got too worked up (I think panicky from his breathing) when I took him out of the cage :sad3: I couldn't get out of work today because I've already left early twice this week and called out once last week for my girl Zoey's kidney issues :gaah: So currently, he just had a little more dark chocolate and he look's maybe a TINY bit more comfortable but is still using his abdominal muscles to breathe and his whole head moves a little when he breathes, it absolutely breaks my heart to watch him like this!
So, I can get him in to the vet for tomorrow but I'm not sure if I should bring him to the emergency vet tonight? I'm also not positive they'll be able to do much more for him then I can here. I need help! lol
My big questions are...
How can I tell if it's his heart vs respiratory, because he's always had URI problems, been overweight, I've noticed SOME weakness in his back legs but I'm not sure if it's just because of his size? I want to get some lasix tomorrow at the vet but will he be ok until then?
I also have albuteral I can give him but if it IS his heart will it help?
I can also give him SubQ fluids, this would be beneficial either way, correct? Because I have noticed a slight decrease in his water intake and appetite last night at veggie time he kept losing interest in the food and he would just take a nibble here and there and walk away which is VERY bizarre for him!
I'm running out to the pharmacy, is there anything else besides maybe ensure that I should I get, to get him through the night, that is if you don't think I should go to the ER vet?
Finally, I'm torn as to if I should separate him and Zoey from the rest of the pack? It's finally dawning on me that all these issues must have been brought on my the two new baby additions (Clementine and Clarabelle) to the crew, and I'm racked with guilt over the thought :sad3: I could split up the FN into a sort of seniors and juniors type situation but that would most likely mean separating Ralphie from Rosie who he's been with the longest, but who would be needed with the other girls :wallbang: And since they've all ALWAYS been together I don't know if separating them would backfire
I'm sorry for all the questions I'm just so overwhelmed and sick to my stomach over everything!